Friday, 27 December 2013

Block 2 end

Teringat dulu-dulu waktu mula-mula nak masuk med school
Punya hati riang cari maklumat
Cari apa yang akan dibelajar kat UNIMAS ni ah.
Block system semua aku kaji.
Tengok tajuk satu-satu block.
Pastu tertanya tanya,  block ni pasal apa, banyak tak nak kena belajar, susah tak.
Semua soalan lipatan lipatan detail aku tanya.

Then, masuk lah. Block 1 Foundation, genetik basic anatomy ape tah lagi dah lupa
Sekarang baru habis EOB 2 untuk block Man in the Environment. Medical Entomology, Parasitology, Microbiology, Virology and Pharmacology.
Serius dah mula rasa berat dengan nama-nama unik bacteria, parasite, fungi, virus. mahu tak meraung aku nak hafalnya.
Tapi today habis sesi menghafal dah tuang dah pun kat exam sheet
just tunggu result je lah
aku tak peduli dah apa yang jadi yang pasti exam over haha
and balik
Happy holiday :D

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

One doesn't simply, fits well in your life

At some point, no matter how you try you will never ever got along with some kind of people.
They are just not your 'that kind' of people.
They are simply don't.
The best way is to put yourself far far far away from this kind of person.
Because they are just too awful for your life.
Just be yourself and be great just like you are before.
Make people of 'your kind' that you already got feel precious and stop getting along with people that doesn't fits well in your life. Just to say, "Goodbye".

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Pendapat aku

Dah lama tak berceloteh meluahkan perasaan.
Berkongsi rasa pada yang ingin membaca.

" Belief is like a ship. Ship won't sink until water goes in. So does our beliefs"

Just a recent so called life event of me. Bila kita memberi pendapat and that person scattered. Feeling hopeless and menganggap yang aku merendah-rendahkan dia. That's the thing. Kenapa harus macam tu. Kenapa cepat hancur kerana satu dua perkataan daripada orang lain. Kenapa cepat melatah.

It's your life. Your LIFE. Nyawa kau dalam badan kau. Badan kau bergerak sebab diri kau sendiri yang nak. Apa yang kau fikir semuanya diri kau sendiri yang pilih. Bukan aku, bukan sesiapa.

Jadi, kenapa harus putus asa, rasa rendah diri sedangkan kau boleh pilih untuk ambil peduli atau pun tak sesuatu perkara tu. Kenapa nak biarkan pandangan orang lain menghantui hidup kau. Kenapa nak biarkann pandangan orang lain meresap dalam minda kau dan karam kan kau. Kau boleh buat pilihan sendiri. aku boleh fikir sendiri apa yang kau nak dalam hidup ini. Pandangan orang lain, pemikiran orang lain itu semua ditangga kedua atau mungkin bawah lagi. Kau. Kau yang pertama, Yang utama dalam hidup kau. Kau yang pilih sendiri.

Kedua, jadi manusia jangan emosi. Kita perlu juga dengar pendapat orang lain but still kita yang pilih jugak akhirnya nanti apa yang kita buat. Walaubagaimanapun, cuba dengar juga. Dengar dan cuba teliti bandingkan bukannya terus melenting emosi. Kau salah. Aku betul. Itu bukan caranya. Tak semestinya kau sentiasa betul.

Ketiga, jangan ego. Jangan ego. Jangan ego. Keegoan kau sebenarnya kelemahan kau, sebab kau sentiasa nak diatas, Kau sentiasa nak menan, Kau sentiasa rasa orang patut dengar cakap kau. Sampai kau telepas pandang. Kau ada buat silap. Kau tak nampak. Orang lain nampak. Bila dia bangkitkan, kau pertikaikan. Keegoan kau buat kau jadi buta. Buta untuk melihat diri kau sendiri.

#Random. Nasihat aku untuk aku, dan untuk kau.

Inspiring. A Better Fathers for our Daughters. Find them.

Muhammad Ali's advice to his daughters...Powerful!

An incident transpired when Muhammad Ali’s daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were quite revealing.

Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:
“When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father’s suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day.

My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to.

Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.
Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them.”

He looked at me with serious eyes. “Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.”

From the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Never Surrender :D

"Never Surrender"

Just a little more time
Is all we're asking for
'Cause just a little more time
Could open closing doors
Just a little uncertainty
Can bring you down

And nobody wants to know you now
And nobody wants to show you how

So if you're lost and on your own
You can never surrender
And if your path won't lead you home
You can never surrender

And when the night is cold and dark
You can see, you can see light
Cause no one can take away your right
To fight and to never surrender

With a little perseverance
You can get things done
Without the blind adherence
That has conquered some

And nobody wants to know you now
And nobody wants to show you how

So if you're lost and on your own
You can never surrender
And if your path won't lead you home
You can never surrender

And when the night is cold and dark
You can see, you can see light
'Cause no one can take away your right
To fight and to never surrender
To never surrender

And when the night is cold and dark
You can see, you can see light
No one can take away your right
To fight and to never surrender
To never surrender

Oh, time is all we're asking for
To never surrender
Oh, oh, you can never surrender

Time is all you're asking for
Stand your ground, never surrender
Oh, oh, oh, oh, I said
You never surrender, oh


Dear friends, we practically moving on in new different path now. Tahu-tahu tup tup, korang dah nak final exam dah. Cepat masa bergerak. Tak sedar pun dan sebenarnya tak tahu pun yang sebenarnya satu sem korang equal to 3 months something. Ingatkan still sama macam zaman asasi dulu. What ever you are doing now, all the best for all of you. Dapat catch up ke tak itu belakang kira. Sekarang ini pun masih awal lagi. Kita mungkin boleh jatuh tersungkur tapi kita masih buleh berdiri. So never surrender. Aku pun ala-ala malas dan rasa macam sesak je sekarang ni pastu mulalah rindu rindan korang semua. Nak lepak dengan korang gelak-gelak like we use to. At some point, boleh pulak rasa menyesal tu datang pastu rasa nak baling-baling semua study notes sebab dah rasa lelah tambah lagi bila JPA buat penganiayaan kat Medic student. Tsk. Tsk. Pastu, fikir balik. This is what I decide to be, then face it lah kan? Nak sangat jadi DRSyeikhaZ yang poyo tu. Padan muka aku kan? bila duduk-duduk dengar lagu then tiba-tiba aku dengar lagu ni. Faham. Faham balik. Yeah, never surrender Syeikha never. Dan aku nak jugak korang macam tu. Terutamanya, budak yang tengah rindu aku semalam tu (Ehem), tapi tak habis cakap sebab kredit aku habis. Haha. Dan kini, lagu menggantikan punca semangat aku. Menggantikan lagu ' The Climb' yang Miley twerking dah rosakkan aura dia tu. Haha. 

To Nurul Syakirah, aku nak kau faham lagu ni juga. Aku nak fahamkan tahap kesusahan course kau, aku tak mampu. So, anggap je lah course kita sama tahap hardness dia. Walau macam mana susah pun, jangan lelah. Usaha and never surrender. Allah kan ada. Lain kali kalau ada masa aku bagi ceramah kat hang eh. Time tu for sure kredit banyak punya. haha

To Maryanne Minn, mak cik. Nah sumber semangat aku yang seterusnya. Kau pun usaha dan jangan putus asa jugak Let's all of us berjaya together. Kau boleh sedut semangat melalui blog aku jelah. Nanti bila aku dah pindah barat balik. Jangan lupa datang bilik aku hoiii. Haha

To Sal and Tiah, the same thing. Never surrender and I'm sure korang boleh cope the situation now, especially Sal asyik twittering je doktor sekor ni. Pergi hafal anatoy you tu lah.Haha.
Tiah, untuk kekasih aku ni, fuh semangat aku terbangkan. I think you getting better now? Haha 

ILY kawan-kawan <3

Doakan aku. Aku pun ade End of Block Exam(EOB) 2 minggu lagi :)
Aku nak A oi! Pastikan doa korang tu specific.
" Ya Allah, berikan Syeikha Zulaikha 'A' dalam EOB 2 dia dan jadikan dia doktor yang baik. Amin"

Dengan semangat yang menjulang,

319 C, Kolej Kasturi.


Post ini ditulis untuk kau yang dilahirkan pada 25 Ogos 1994, yang dipercayai orang Perak dan pernah muncul dalam masa lepas aku.

Hari ini aku merasakan sudah tiba untuk aku meluahkan walaupun bukan secara terus pada kau. Mungkin kau sampai bila-bila pun takkan tahu dan ambil peduli tapi at least aku mencuba. Dan mungkin juga kau secara tak sengaja menjumpai post ini yang aku pasti mungkin atas bantuan takdir Illahi. Sama ada kau tahu atau tidak akhirny , aku tak peduli tapi yang pasti kini aku ingin untuk mewujudkan jalan untuk kau temui. Perkara  tahu atau ta tahu itu kita letak tepi dulu.

Entah mengapa hari ini aku disedarkan oleh kata-kata seseorang, yang pernah aku baca atau dengar. Aku sendiri tak pasti dari mana aku dapat kata-kata ini. Tapi yang pasti kata-kata itulah yang membuatkan aku tergerak untuk menyatakannya hari ini.
" Aku tak nak menyesal suatu hari nanti. Bila aku tengok hidup dia, tengok hidup aku. Lepas tu berfikir, kalau dia tahu apa rasa aku. Apa pengakhiran kita orang?"
That's it. Penyesalan atau rasa ingin tahu. Aku pun tak tahu nak kategorikan kata-kata ini dalam bahagian yang mana. Yang aku tahu kata-kata orang ini membuatkan aku rasa. Baik aku luah. What the outcome that might come after doesn't important. Kecewa atau bahagia. Peduli apa. Kecewa? Terima dah orang tak suka nak buat macam mana. Bahagia? Alhamdullilah. At least, we had that definite answer rather than like this hoping and questioning, ' who am I to him?'. Lepas itu, hidup menunggu that satu hari, dia tiba-tiba dapat telepathy said, " This one girl that you met in your past actually love you till now and she will wait for you to come to her and said I love you too". Lepas itu, happy ending macam cerita fairy tales. Like that. But this is real life,  nobody would ever care or realize until you tell them clearly. That's sucks but this is the reality.

So, today. I would like to tell you who was born on 25th August 1994, that I once love you and till today
 ( 08th December 2013), I still do and InsyaAllah I will do till forever. I know was in big denial 2 years ago but I'm sorry. I just need time to think and realize. And know I realize. People may say that I'm too late but I don't even care as long as I got that chance and don't feel the burden. You don't need to accept me. You got the choice and I'm quite understanding too. LOL. haha. Yeah, people do expect but not all expectation hit the jackpot, right? So, just chill man. Thank you for reading and realizing that, this is for you.

At some point, people might say that 'Kalau dah jodoh takkan ke mana', so don't worry. So, actually at some point, I'm testing it. That's why there is no such thing as name. No such thing as I tagged he inside this post or telling him that I wrote this for him. He has no idea the existence of this post. What I'm trying to do now is to let the fate find it's way.  At least, I express myself  and now I put my belief in takdir Allah :)

Don't ask me how and why.

To be truth, I tried to but I just can't . I can't.

I don't wanna be like this. Because I don't want end up, regretting it. So I write this

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Susahlah hidup memendam.
Tak mampu nak buat apa.
Sayang macam mana pun boleh perhati dari jauh sahaja.
Kisah macam mana pun, tak semua pasal dia kita dapat tahu.
Bertahun menunggu pun dia tetap tak tahu.
Tapi nak buat macam mana dah nasib aku.
Setiap hari mengharap yang satu hari nanti dia akan sedar, perasan aku.
Semua orang boleh buat.
Tak semua orang sebertuah itu.
Apa yang aku boleh buat.
Hanya terus menunggu.
Sakit macam mana pun, dia juga yang buat aku tersenyum.
Dia juga yang buat aku rasa bahagia.
Dia tak buat apa-apa sebenarnya.
Tapi kewujudan dia tu. Itu yang bermakna.
Aku akan terus tunggu.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Kejap sudah

Pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak habis block I ni ah. Seriously, waktu mula dpat guidebook dulu, dia punya reaction
"Whaatttt?! 8 weeks. Lamanya nak belajar block ni. Buat ape doe?"
Tapi sekarang sumpah tak terasa langsng yang masa tu dha bergerak. Tup..tup... 2 minggu lagi End Of Block Exam. Haru. Takutnya. First EOB ni. Entah macam mana lah nanti dengan nota sebeban yang nak difahami dan dihafal. Bayangkanlah, kelam dan kabutnya nanti. Assignement yang end satu hari before EOB lagi.Memang gempak lah. Rasa macam tak cukup masa je. Tapi kalau ikutkan banyak juga lah free time cuma aku sendiri yang tak reti nak menghargainya. Kejap-kejap update facebook. Bosan FB lari Twitter. pastu Insta lah dan sepupu-sepapat mereka... Gaya macam orang yang takde kerja sangat padahal bertimbun-timbun nak diselesaikan. Macam sekarang ni, maklumat PBL yang esok nak present case tak dicari, sibuk bersosial sana sini kat alam maya ni. Ape lah nak jadi dengan aku. Kena bagi thrust sikit. Bagi tension kat kepala baru nak buat betul-betul kalau tak.. Hmmm Haremmm...
Kesedaran perlu dipupuk kembali ni.
Wake up Syeikha. Wake up.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Nak jujur tapi serba salah

Aku tak tahu apa yang jadi dengan aku sejak akhir-akhir ni.
Rasa diri ni macam tak bertuah langsung untuk di'pair'kan dengan seseorang for one reason.
Hambar gila.
We suppose to work together, kalau tak work together pun at least do contact each other kadang-kadang. Tak boleh ke?
Kadang-kadang envious gila dengan others yang agak bertuah to have someone that can help his/ her dalam masa-masa susah. Mintak nasihat and all that. But when it comes to me. Kriikk.. Kriik...
You know that awkwardness. Daaa. Susah gila. Aku yang banyak cakap sampai certain people nak sumbat mulut suruh diam ni pun, boleh jadi longlai tak berkata-kata. Cuba bayangkan. Seem so terrible. I don't know why, or maybe that particular somebody dah berpunya and that cause me to be like this. Takut oh nak cakap lebih-lebih dengan orang yang dah berpunya ni sebab kadang-kadang pasangan dia tersalah anggap kita sebagai intruder. Walaupun sebenarnya tak berminat langsung. Tapi tulah... Biasalah perempuan. Kalau aku 'nanti' pun entah-entah jealousy tahap super mega. Siapa boleh jangka kan? So the best precaution to stay away.

P/S: I just need a girl. Please.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Kepada sayangku Nurul Fitriah,

"Shekaaaaa...aku tgah study.pastu tak paham. nak tanya sapa ni....nak ketuk pintu bilik hang!!!"
Hang ingat lagi tak message ni? Baru hari Rabu haritu hang message aku.
Dear sayang, aku ingat lagi zaman asasi hang rajin ketuk pintu aku. Tanya soalan. Rajin gila... Join aku study kat bilik aku. Sedut semangat study aku. Hisap katil dadah aku. Rumah terbuka Maths kat bilik aku. Lepak library menggila waktu study week. All of those sweet moment that we made together. Bila aku baca message hang ni, aku sedih tau sebab rindu gila dengan kau tiah. Kau tahu tak, aku suka gila kau ketuk pintu bilik aku selalu. Aku suka tengok muka nak tahu hang tu. Aku suka gila. Semangat yang aku ada selama ni pun sebenarnya ada sumbangan daripada kau. Sebab kau rajin gila bertanya bila kau tak tahu. Dan everytime kau tanya, kau sebenarnya membantu aku yang malas nak bertanya dengan orang ni. Kau tolong aku sedarkan diri aku apa benda yang aku tak tahu lagi dan sebenarnya trigger aku untuk cari maklumat tu. You help me a lot, Tiah. Like seriously, thank you...

But now Tiah, kau jauh dah. No one would come and knock my door and ask , "Syeikha, ni macam mana?", "Syeikha, explain ni.." and etc. Semua tu dah tak ada dah Tiah. You know what because of that, I find my studies boring and dull. Sebab kat sini takde orang yang macam kau dengan semangat membantu dan ingin dibantu. Aku sedih. Belajar banyak mana pun still aku tak dapat detect apa yang aku lemah sebab takde kau to make me realize. Serious Tiah, I want you here. Kalaulah boleh. Aku tak tahu apa yang bakal jadi kat studies aku. I feel lost :(
I really hope that we can be like before. You're my neighbor and you show me the light. Give me the inspiration to find, find and find more knowledge. I miss my trigger and that's you, Tiah. :,(

Anyway Tiah, pasal kau tak faham tu. Cari different source. Kalau nak lagi advance find lecturers. Find them ,Tiah. Kau berani. Berani bertanya. Use that as your strength. Rajin-rajin survey maklumat sendiri kat Internet. Pinjam buku. Walaupun banyak yang kau perlu baca untuk one explanation that you need, still waktu kau cari maklumat tu kau automatically drag info-info lain masuk dalam otak kau which enhance your understanding better daripada  kau dapat maklumat tu straight away. Jangan sedih-sedih sebab kau tak ada geng study sekarang. Maybe it will take sometime before kau boleh get along dengan someone else. Like how you get along with me. Kita sama-sama kena cari teman belajar baru tapi jangan lupakan kenangan dulu. Aku tahu kau boleh, sebab kau ada semangat belajar yag tinggi, yang sebenarnya lagi tinggi daripada apa yang kau tengok kat aku. Don't worry, I'll still give you my support. Aku percaya kau boleh survive. Be strong and good luck. God Bless~
ILY sayang.
I miss and love you, Tiah.HAHA

This is the last time. Study time before final exam :)

Mengumpul kembali semangat,
Syeikha Zulaikha
319 C, Kolej Kasturi, Kuching.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Tawa tak bererti gembira

Orang sebenarnya tak tahu yang mereka yang selalu tergelak sana-sini ni kadang-kadang menyimpan banyak masalah. Mereka bising, pot pet sana-sini gelak sana-sini, semuanya bukan apa. Hanya sebagai jalan untuk mereka melupakan seketika masalah yang bertamu dalam dada.
Orang tak tahu.
Dan orang tak pernah faham pun.
Kita tak ada tempat nak sampaikan rasa susah, rasa penat, rasa sakit,
semua disimpan dalam hati. Ujian datang bertimpa-timpa, tapi sabar je lah nak buat macam mana. Ujian itu datang dari Tuhan. Tapi selama mana nak sabar, simpan seorang diri. Malam sebelum tidur fikir masalah itu. Masalah ini. Fikir macam mana nak selesaikan. Semuanya seorang diri.
Kalau fiki-fikir balik rasa nak menangis sekuat-kuatnya, jerit bagi tahu semua orang apa yang kita rasa. Tapi selalu tersekat, tak sempat nak keluar tertahan, tersimpan balik dalam diri ni. Pengakhirannya, tidak ada siapa pun yang tahu apa yang kita rasa.
Orang selalu nampak kita kuat. Berani.
Tapi diorang tak tahu pun sebenarnya dalam hati ini betapa lemahnya, rasa nak jatuh, rebah.. Tak ada siapa pun yang dapat kesan.
Betul lah, quote. The hardest part of being strong is no one will ever ask, "Are you okay?".

Takpe, be strong. All is well

Saturday, 21 September 2013

2 Busy weeks

Tahu-tahu dah masuk dua minggu pun aku sambung degree,
Pergghh.. dua minggu ni dia punya busy tak tahu nak kata apa maybe sebab ada MAP le kut..
Biasalah kan masuk U tempat baru kalau nda ada aktiviti untk new student nya memang tak patut lah.
Tapi untuk degree ni ada dua MAP satu untuk kolej MAP yang buat sementaranya aku tinggal kat Cempaka Aummmm another one untuk Faculty yang dijalankan kat LOT 77 @ Kolej Kasturi tempat tinggal aku sekarang.

MAP Cempaka wa cakap lu Ohsem Seohsemnya punyalah gempak dengan Auman Auman melawan keboom, alla alla dan cheers-cheers lain yang sewaktunya. Memang semangat dia tu punyalah ohsem.

Kalau kat Fakulti Perubatan punya cerita pulak memang kejenye mem'prank' orang . dua kali aku kena prank kot cam ayam..Haha.tapi best wa cakap dengan lu again. First, ade ke patut diaorang prank kiteorang cakap aku and few of the student gagal qualification exam. Cisss!! Nasib baik aku dapat detect prank ni so aku chill je lah.. Haha. Takkan lah Unimas nak buang student yang dah siap-siap daftat segala hal sebab soalan qualification exam yang entah pape tu. Aku cakap entah pape coz tu soalan Year 2 kot pulak tahu aku. Haha

Second time. grrrr.. yang ni memang tak boleh blaaaaaa ade ke buat audition prank untuk Istana Budaya ishhhh.... Aku yang semangat gila semata-mata sebab dia cakap dapat kolej 5 tahun. Sape tak nak, aku cakap kau. Oleh itu aku dengan ikhlas krana kolej berlakon tup..tup... diaorang prank rupenya. LOL.
Sian anak aku si Joshua tu.  Aku act hilang anak nama dia Joshua.
Next, for medical student we're paired with one buddy from year 2 untuk lead, teach kemende term dia aku pun tak tahu... Ajar based on pengalaman kot. Yelah tu. Haha. So, I got one 'tough guy'. Tak tough mane pun. "Dia tak tahu aku ad blog so boleh kutuk". HAHA. Okay joke uolls. I tak mengumpat okaih? So, tu jelah aku ade buddy, nama dia Helmi, dia orang Merlimau, Melaka. Sama negeri jyeah. Sekian pasal buddy.LOL

My buddy * tangan dibahu,mata ke atas. Haha

Eh, lupa nak bagi tahu pasal my new roomate. Jasmin Syazwani :)
Roomate dari Kolej Cempaka bawa ke Kolej KAsturi (actually Kasturi ni nama baru Kolej Perubatan kott).
Hope the best cooperation and best moment for both of us :)
Aku create banyak memory. Banyak banyak banyak. Lima tahun tuuuuuu...

Just ignore me. Thats Jasmin.Aww sweetheart
Lagi satukan rumah bau aku kat Kasturi ni gila best. Ada TV, ada Fridge... pendek kan cerita dah macam rumah betul pun ade. Tak rupa Kolej sudah, macam takde peraturan pun ade jugak.haha. Bilik aku gila besar. Dijemput datang ye kawan-kawan.LOL. haha
Muka lepas class. All is well:)

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Short meeting with dear her

Setelah segala onak dan duri, ujian dan dugaan yang melanda akhirnya kita dapat bertemu.
#ayat awal sekadar menyedapkan bunyi keseluruhan ayat. Haha

Fatin Syahindah. My dearest lovely friend yang sangat ayu dan sopaaaann. Kepulangan dari Jordan yang pastinya jarang dan sangat rare sejak mula berpindah ke sana menuntut ilmu sebagai seorang dentist :3

Haiihhhh... this is our first meeting selepas Fatin start belajar kat sana. Alhamdullilah. Dapat jugak jumpa budak seorang setelah berkurun-kurun menunggu. Bukan si Fatin ni tak balik sebelum ni tapi asal dok rancang je fail dan akulah yang tukang meng-e-fail-kannya.

"Maaf ye Fatin dan rakan-rakan sebab tak hadir meet up kita. Ada jodoh dan rezeki aku InsyaAllah akan datang"

Tulahkan kita hanya merancang Allah yang menentukan. Selala ni dok rancang-rancang haprak tak jadi tapi this meeting yang secara tiba-tiba jugak yang jadi. Rezeki kita orang lah kan dapat date walaupun kejap at least berbaloi dapat jumpa orang bau Jordan ni. Dapat meng'qada' pelukan perpisahan yang aku terlupa nak buat time last time before Fatin pergi Jordan. Alhamdullilah. Alhamdullilah :)

Dah lama tak jumpa  :,) Happy sangat sampai tak tahu nak sampai kan macam mana. Tapi tulah aku sengal melampau kalau mengarut tu pandai ler. Nak berbual betul-betul maca well grown up women tak mampu lagi. Words that I talk is much lesser than  what I used to. Sedihnya tak cakap banyak :(
Haish. Sengalnyaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Anyway, I sempat suruh Fatin short notes in my diary and she gave me cups from Jordan. Jazakallah :)
Cup. I won't use it ofcoz. sayang ;)

Nota paksa-tulis

Dear Fatin,
In short, I Love You, buddy. Take care. InsyaAllah I will and you too. Be a more and more good girl. Study hard, Pray hard. Selagi kita ada InsyaAllah I'll be there for you :) Awak tu lagi jauh, jaga diri elok-elok. Don't ever try to marry anyone without me attending your wedding. Ini amaran. HAHA. :* KISS KISS KISS

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Packing in progress

Wah wah wah
Hari ni dah start packing dah oih.
Keluarkan segala isi belisi almari baju. Arghh..looks like memang sangat tak lama lagi aku akan balik Sarawak nun ah. and as always aku tetap dalam dilema nak membawa barang apa. Haih! Dari zaman sekolah sampai sekarang ni ah memang tak terlepas. Luggage aku memang super duper extra load. Kalau nak angkat tu memang hampir nak patah tulang belakang ni ha. Dari zaman sekolah sampai sekarang selalu dapat perlian daripada ayah.

" Orang nak pindah UK. Maklumlah"
Fine. Tapi bukannya apa aku ni jenis rasa tak sedap kalau benda yang used  to be around me kena tinggal sampai berbulan-bulan lamanya. Lagi-lagi baju aku. Sebab mood nak pakai baju tu dia datang je tak kira masa. kang tang aku nak pakai peplum ke kurung ke jubah ke tetiba dia takde tak ke haru mood aku. #takdelah sampai macam tu kan sebenarnya tapi still tak bestlah. Tu belum mood aku tetapkan specific colour. Sesungguhnya aku ni memang mengada. Kasut lagi... Tapi time study ni heels dan kerabatnya boleh buang dari list patut dibawalah. Sebab macam tak patut je heels pakai terkedek-kedek ke kelas. Tak patut. Tak patut. Memang gua balun flat or senang cerita sneakers. Degree ni nak try sneakers dengan kurung nampak brutal dalam keayuan sikit. Idok ye? haha

Walaupun aku dah start packing hari ni tapi masih tak siap and belum finalize lagi barangan nye ye. -.-"
ah tertekan. tertekan. Sangat tertekan! :p
Ni yang buat aku malas nak balik ni *cari kesempatan dalam kegedikan

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Hola everyone :)
wah dah lama tak menjenguk khabar blog ni. Tu semua pasal Malware Ahead punya pasal lah. Nasib baik dapat disettlekan. Kalau tak alamatnya aku takkan menulis lah lagi.
Well. Well. Well.
It's the time. Tak lama lagi dah nak balik Sarawak balik. Further my studies in Doctor of Medicine. Alhamdullilah, I've got what I want; what I pray for each day. Alhamdullilah.
11 hari tu pendek je.  Pejam celik. Pejam celik. The day has coming kan? Macam-macam rasa berbaur takut ada. Takut nak face degree setelah momokan-momokan how hard medical degree would be. Risau yang I'll be staying in new college, not Seroja anymore. Risau yang I need to make new friends. Again. Sigh~ Susah tau nak make new friends. I want my old gang yang gila-gila oih....! *Shout to the world. :(

Bila difikirkan otak yang kurang di'gris' sepanjang cuti ini buatkan aku rasa lagi bertambah-tambah takut dengan my studies. Aiihhh... Haru nanti kalau ditanya macam-macam. Banyak benda yang telah berterbangan dari ingatan ni. Tadi pun try open my favourite book. Biology Campbell. 5-7 minutes je betahan lepas tu. Start up laptop and here I am. Mood tu tak sampai lagi kot. yelah tu. Padahal sebelum ni dok merengek-rengek hentak kaki sebab bosan said " Nak belajarlah. Rasa boring dan lost bila tak belajar", "Bilalah nak sambung degree ni?" and other sorts of complain yang sangat-sangat poyo dan bajet aku ni tak boleh hidup tanpa study "kononnya". Tapi bila time dah ticking mendekat ke hari ini, tetiba je tak nak pulak balik Sarawak. Haru Syeikha oih!

Apa-apa pun. Welcome back to Sarawak. Welcome back to UNIMAS :)
Pray for success. Pray for Egypt.
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Be there soon.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Malam Asasi UNIMAS 2012/13

Halloo everyone, :)
Baru nak mengupdate blog. Almaklumlah. baru cuti nak buka-membuka blog ni liatlah.sikit baik terbongkang atas katil qada tidur.LOL. Kat rumah of course lah this family girl ini * ehem ehem memperuntukkan waktu-waktu berkualiti bersama keluarga walaupun sekadar berceloteh berkenaan perkara yang mengarut. yang amat karut. Oh ! tengok aku dah melalut lagi.. seperti yang dijanjikan update on my Majlis Asasi. Sangat ohsem dan melenguhkan kaki ..menyesal aku pakai heels. Dah lama tak pakai terkejut muscle den. Lenguh. Lenguh.
Mempersembahkan gambar-gambar sepanjang majlis...

yehaa. ni ha cinderella.bukak kasut sebab dah penat gile

nadiah,aku,hana. syok pandang kamera lain


me and miss roberta.cute gila.aku minat sgt dengan  rambut dia

tiah, aku dan si kembar. ini requeat tiah nak amik gambar dengan diaorang tapi aku pulak yang kena approach.sigh

mr.alif, mr ibrahim vavavoom~~

bersama prom king kong.haha.joke.lololol. Mr dhana jay

mr aminuddin yuuuuu..baru pengantin baru je 

1+1= kiyomi.haha.Mr Alhafiz

lalala. Mr razif.comel nye .AKU

miss kisstha hott

MR Deedat. Red rose uuuu

Haha.Mr Ikhwan pendek

Wardah and me Kyeopta!!!

geram aku dengan minah ni.Nak amik gambar di kemain susah.last-last gambar curik pun boleh.padan muka ka kira #evil laugh

semua mask orang aku try.diri sendiri punya takdo
Ini pembuli utama kami di Lab Kimia. Grrrrr.Selalu buat kitaorang balik last sekali. tsk...tskk...

sayang ku tiah

Friday, 26 April 2013

DAY 146: the time has finally come.Ending :D

Counter :D

as you can see. It's written there "today is the day!" .Yeah! It's the day.The day that I'll end up my Foundation Programme in UNIMAS.  It's like a dream. Feels like the time has moving too fast that today I finally end all these. All these moment in UNIMAS East Campus. After almost a year here. All those time I spend for a lecture, studying, activities in UNIMAS and the most greatest part is to make new friends here. Syakirah, Minn,Fitriah, Hana, Sal and everyone else. It's undeniably greatest moment I've ever had. Yeah, to be far from family and the same time to get along with the new environment, new taste of foods*highlight. It's basically worth a memories. A beautiful memories. At first, I thought that "Oh, it' gonna be a year of student life and I will do a lot of 24/7 studies" but when I try to think about that now.That's totally ridiculous! How on earth and who on earth would do that? Haha. An alien might do that. To the fact that here in UNIMAS, I learnt a lot of new things. I learnt what it's like when you have a roommate. I mean only roommate. Living together in petite room. It's kinda new from me. But it's worth something. I learnt what's college student life was like. The hectic life here. It push me to try my best as far as I can. I really can figure out what's cooperation and responsibilities to oneself  really is. It's just not a simple value that you just learnt, "Oh, this is the value and that's how it works". No! That's not it's really is. It means more. I can see that it isn't just a value. But it's really something where here I met all sorts of person with different kind of background that I've never met before and you can basically see to what point that these value works for us. Whether it's comes out good or worst. Yeah.

It's the last day. The last moment that I'll be here as an Asasian. When it's the last moment usually there's a little regret on what I've achieved. But who cares? it's the end of this but I've another start to begin. Right? So just go on with it! Jyeah. Doktor Syeikha Zulaikha, you can ! :D
What we should do now is pray and pray. May Allah Bless :)
and remember this till you die :

So true. It's always comes when I don't really do the studies and revision. Feels dumb!
You better prepare yourself now :D 
# as it's the end, tonight we gonna do a party. Official party not that crazy party. Malam Asasi 2012/13. Gonna update on that soon. I mean when it ends :D
Bless everyone!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

DAY 145: Aku terima nikahnya Biology dengan mas kahwin lecture notes segedebuk=,=!?!?!?

I'm hacked
memang tak boleh bela. the day before my BIOLOGY exam.
ada seketul manusia durjana ynag bernama Sabrina Ibrahim telah hack saya.
dengan statement berbaur nasi minyak.
Budak seorang ni memang nak kena. Jaga kau aku pulas telinga kau nanti.
Tak memasal je.
Terganggu konsentrasi nak jawab paper hari ni tau. *sangat penipu
Tengok tu Mr. Ikhwan Idris lecturer den pun dok meng'komen' dengan statement berbaur perlian.haha

lantaklah :) 
yang pasti exam hari ni. thumbs half up. Errr?!!
habis Bio macam habis final exam je.
padahal esok ade lagi seekor kertas nak dikejau .
IT last one. and end ! yeeehaaaaa!

Credits to my Biology lecturers, yang membantu saya selama ini :D
dan jasa mu ku kenang selalu. *hiperbola.lagi :P

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

DAY 144: Chicken soup punya Chemistry!

Chicken soup! Chicken soup! Chicken soup!
Arghhhhh.. geram eh den. Rasa nak rebus sampai hangus Chemistry ni ah.
Aiiiii... tension sekejap. Sakit hati tahap yakuzalah. Bolehlah time exam tadi blur pulak, pastu lupa-lupa ingat konsep. Nak cekik sorang-sorang kat dewan tadi. Padahal punyalah beratus latihan aku dah buat*propa
bolh jadi tadi berterbangan. I mean tak lancarlah nak menjawab, ke memang Chemistry nak buat perang dunia ketiga dengan aku ni? Maths tak buat masalah dia pulak yang menggedik. Puas nak engingat balik tadi. Nasiblah dpaat jugak jawab, hentam-hentam pun betullah jugak kalau ikut penilaian akulah. Tapi yang part tak boleh bela, part yang aku ingat betul salah pulak. Part lukis meluki structure of ester. Lupa den.*actually memang tak pernah fokus pun part tu. Memang kena batang hidunglah. Aish..risau aku.Takut Chemistry ni ah buat loklak macam semester lepas. Kantoikan aku sampai tak dapat dean list. Memang chicken souplah kan? erggh! lantaklah. yang penting esok ni Biology. banyak den nak hafal lagi ni. Chemistry end cutely*ugly but adorable.? haha.. yang penting den dah usaha.Kan? Serah kat Allah je lah :D Doakan yukk!
Tengah-tengah hari ni sebut chicken soup but aku lapar je .Kriuuk!!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

DAY 143: Paku dan belacan.Second day dah jalan :D

Heaven yeah! Second day of exam. English test. Sleeping mode on. Mengantuk yang amat. Last night I did prepared for exam write an essay on Euthanasia. So, today goyang-goyang kaki, everything is her*point to head. Nothing much to worry but the thing that made me very is those unbearable sleepy eyes.Habis ejaan pun lintang-pukang amybe coz of super sleepy. Malam tadi on bed 2 a.m something, on bed je lah. Mata tutup bila tu pun tak sedar yang pasti menunggu lama sebelum roh keluar. Sangat lah, tangan ke bahu, mata ke atas! Ni pun baru bangun dari meng'qada' tidur. Tak tahan gila dah. Still ad sisa-sisa dia lagi tapi terpaksa bangun for tomorrow's test. CHEMISTRY. Miahahahahaha. #menguap!

Malas nak menaipnya lagi, nah tengok ni. Ni salah satu penyebab kenapa aku tak tidur awal semalam. Alahai, comel mat salih ni buat tribute untuk P.Ramlee.  Sengau sengau cute. 
Eden nak start study ni.Chow lu!LOL XD
God Bless Asasians :D

Monday, 22 April 2013

DAY 142: This the final exam. Start point :D


Smile :) Smile :) Smile :)

 So that's it! Today is the first day of my final examination. Final exam of my foundation programme. The last for ever and ever :D
Today, I firstly encounter Mathematics, my beloved, beloved and beloved and most beloved subject that I wish that I won't overspent my fortune on it anymore. Haha. The most killer subject since I was in primary times till today, the last day of Mathematics exam. I really hope this is the last time I met Maths as my core subject and the last time for to answer them. Too bad. LOL. The greatest memories that Maths had give me today for our last date was really 'something'. I love you , Maths :D. As you gave me the real greatest feeling of answering you today. I got my solace with Maths today. It's not easy but it's freaking something that I never thought of having it with this particular subject before. Maybe I had set up my mind that this is my last encounter and I want it to be a BLAST! not like usual. Yeah! Think so :D
DAY 1 exam : ended up beautifully. I have four days more to face before ... FREE!
Tomorrow, it's going to be a war with English essay... and I'll try hard to "prepare" myself  for that. Bwaahhahaha! #evil laugh XD

Yes, we can!
Yeah!Move on dude :D
I can believe I make this as my FB cover photo. For my spirit. Hell yeah spirit.LOL
P/S: THANK YOU MATH'S LECTURERS. credit:: Mr.Alif(sifuku* adik-adik find him and grab his knowledge. ), Ms Farah, Mr Ibrahim, Mr. Deedat, Mdm. Emmerlyn, Mdm.Fazliana :D I guess that's behind the scene lecturers that had been helping me for this semester as long as I can remember :D
and they never read my blog. So what?!haha:D

Saturday, 13 April 2013

DAY 133: Study week!

pejam celik. pejam celik. kejap je masa berlalu tahu-tahu dah masuk study week. Lagi seminggu perlu dilalui sebelum rally otak melanda. Study week is a great thing sebab selalunya sebelum study week, kami akan dilenyek dengan pelbagai assignment, lab report dan yang pastinya semuanya menegangkan urat belakang yang sedia tegang. Dapatlah taik nafas sikit during study week ni. At least, satu dua hari relax. Okaylah. Lepas tu, buka mood sydy tu balik. Haha. Jangan pulak nak jadikan study ni minggu relax sedunia, nanti exam week jadi minggu malapetaka sedunia pulak. Tapi depends pada oranglah jugak kan? Haish. Sekarang ni aku tengah confuse maha gajah. Tak tau nak cover apa benda dule. Nak study Maths ke, Chemistry ke? Biology ke? Confuse aku. Semua subject bantai penting. Urmmm.Mana-mana jelah yang penting- STUDY :D. dah kata study week. For all ASASI UNIMAS student, Good luck and Allah BLESS :)
First class kat Asasi UNIMAS. Macam tak percaya it gonna end soon.

Friday, 5 April 2013

DAY 124:Plan.Start!

Pelan dah mula dilancarkan ni. Memang gila-gila timing study. Lagi dua minggu je kot, pastu final and I have a lot to be read, memorize and do those 'beloved' Maths exercise. Memang badan lelah gila kuasa tiga! Haha. Baru lepas baca note Bio, one and a half set of slide je yang mampu dihadam..... Yang berbaki tu, dah start ' kriiiik...kriikkkk....' memang dah tak masuk dan malas nak interpret. Lalu dengan rasa mengantuk yang berbaki di library yang tengah sunyi tak berapa nak sepi  ni, aku menulis kejadah blog ni. Saja buat-buat release tension. *kunun-kununnya.

Kalau Maths, most of the chapter dah dapat dia punya covering, tinggal nak master tu je. Supaya nanti exam takdelah terkial-kial macam siput sedut. Chemistry, I can say dalam 40% je sekarang ni and, it's considered bad lah jugak. kena habiskan dengan segera minggu hadapan supaya boleh buat second round study. Biology yang parah lagi memarah. Haha. Banyak ler kakak oi! Menyesal tak mendengar lecture dengan baik sebelum ni. Pakai tangkap, tak peduli je. Kan dah kena revise banyak. Kalau tak mesti percent yang perlu dirivise semula kurang sikit. Aigooooo!!! =,='' dengan upcoming quiz dia lagi. Parah!

XOXO. tak boleh nak mengarut panjang-panjang banyak lagi yang nak dikejar ni *mood berlari :D

Eh? Amende nota ni mengarut  !!!Tak faham aku !Stresssss:O
2 jam kemudian..... Bosannya.....Malas nak belajar
Tido jap.... Penat dah belajar ni...Jap gi  sambung
Apabila hari berakhir.."Aku tertido lagi... Satu habuk pun tak study...tskk!tskkk!"


Sunday, 31 March 2013

DAY 119: Time is ticking, but I'll never give up on you, Medicine !

Tak sangka lajunya masa bergerak macam tak percaya je lagi 3 minggu dan 5 hari lagi, I'll end up my Foundation Programme. Unbelieveable. Time ni lutut dah rasa terketar-ketar.. Banyaknya study yang nak dicover. And bila fikir-fikir impian dan harapan nak further Medic. Bagaimanakah statusnya ? Selamat ke tak ni? Belajar dengan kelamk-abut dan lintang pukangnya. Semua berterabur. 
" Tulah... Banyak sangat berangan. Kan dah jadi siput sedut kau.."
"Siput sedut????" =,="
Apa-apalah... yang pasti I'm going to end this soon. Tak lama lagi. Tak lama lagi. Oleh itu, masa yang ada ni perlu dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baik dan baiknya. Stop misspend those time.

What ever gonna happen, pedulikan. Yang penting all out je sekarang. NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.NEVER.

" I want to further my studies in Medicine.That's it. I gonna give my smashing  effort_all out!" 


Pembakar semangat! :D

Counter yang membuatkan saya rindu rumah, ketaq lutut dan rasa tua?haha :D

Saturday, 30 March 2013

DAY 118: I'm sleepy because of your song. :(

Songs. We've different genre of song all over the world. Song can affect one's emotion. Just like that. Really just like that. It can change you to a super-ironic person when the song is super ironic and change you into the most romantic person earth when you listen to romantic song. It's really can change you.
 How and why's song affect our emotion isn't the issue right now. I just wanna highlight, what type of song that we should pick to different type of situation. I sometimes really need song during my study times and usually I would pick  head banging English song or maybe country English song to accompany me for the whole hour of learning and sometimes I'll not hear to any song especially when I choose to learn Biology subject( I need super focus for this subject). And I won't, never ever choose sing that have sort of mendayu-dayu *I don't know the specific term. And now that's the problem. If i don't choose it, someone around me would pick that type of song and it's becoming more and more ironic when that person choose to play it in the evening. Ouch.That's basically hurting my emotion and pulls away my mood. It makes  me sleepy, fella. Please stop it! Even if you wanna hear it ,please lower down the volume. Please! It totally had no considerations. I've already put my headphone and full volume but still I can hear it Arghhhh!!! Come on, someone's trying to study here... and I'm sure you don't wanna study but please dont't drag me with you.Please. I really need to prepare for my upcoming final.It's so important for me. Understand me. ? Grrrr...

Friday, 29 March 2013

DAY 118: Bad type of college student.

Life in college makes you met a lot and lots of people that act rather differently than what you thinking all this while. Here, we can possibly met someone who thinks she/he makes great job but somehow for truth they are making shits all these while and smear it onto your face happily. That's kind of person that you might met sometime when you're starting your life as a college student. These type of person worth a curse.

Another type of  person is that, they never do anything but the intend to talk bad about someone else. The back-talker. This person was even worse that a hundred times of cursing really suit them well. They are helpless in doing something but they are can be called a specialist when it comes to commenting others job saying ; "Your work is bad!", "They are ugly" but they never aware of themselves. How they are being so badly ugly... (this is a fragmented clause but it greatly define thosee kinds of person).

Other than these two type of person, there some people that they never care about anything early. I mean they never takes things seriously at the first time till the end of the day. They are kinda fond of last minutes job but somehow it basically ruining themselves at the end where they start complaining about piles of job they have, how hard it is... and sometimes start saying," I'm not good at it", " It's hard for me to do this..." and etc. Which for me, it's okay for you to speak about this earlier not on the day or few days before  the dateline. If you tell anyone beforehand at least you still got the time to learn about it. Understand it and later on find the knowledge from other resourceful material to make you at least understand it. But what you do is the other hand, you start learn about it when it's almost the end. If we made it into analogy.It's like you're trying to learn self defense while having knives on your throat. It's stupid!

That's it! Actually there's a lot and lots more bad type of college student that you can actually observe when you get into college or maybe you're now facing it. Yeah.. We can't change these type of people but we can do is to put a border line between us and them and it's better we decline their approach if they're trying to be a part of you. Because these type of person... they're can actually kill your spirit and worsen your day. Uhuh.. Believe this and be prepared for this, for anyone who's going to college after this. Be prepared.

First time encountering those type of person is still okay. But for second time, it's a stupid mistake, fella :P

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

DAY 108: Satisfied:)

Proudly promoting this fashion designer. Sangat suka hasil kerja dia! So damn pretty and hasil kerja yang sangat kemas. Harga berbaloi dengan hasil kerja dia. This is the truth!

DAY 107: Ajaibnya Malas!

Sekadar menulis kata-kata daripada seorang lecturer aku pagi tadi,

"Kerana kita malaslah wujudnya tangga,
Kerana malas jugak wujudnya escalator,
Juga kemalasan mencipta sebuah lift."

A great word jugak.Kalau difikirkan balik betul juga kerana malas kita mencipta sesuatu yang memudahkan kita. Cari cara supaya benda itu dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah. Bagus apa jadi malas ni. Oleh itu, jadilah malas bermula dari sekarang! :P
Kemalasan kadang-kadang mencipta keajaiban!

Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

Facebook Fan Page