Sunday, 31 March 2013

DAY 119: Time is ticking, but I'll never give up on you, Medicine !

Tak sangka lajunya masa bergerak macam tak percaya je lagi 3 minggu dan 5 hari lagi, I'll end up my Foundation Programme. Unbelieveable. Time ni lutut dah rasa terketar-ketar.. Banyaknya study yang nak dicover. And bila fikir-fikir impian dan harapan nak further Medic. Bagaimanakah statusnya ? Selamat ke tak ni? Belajar dengan kelamk-abut dan lintang pukangnya. Semua berterabur. 
" Tulah... Banyak sangat berangan. Kan dah jadi siput sedut kau.."
"Siput sedut????" =,="
Apa-apalah... yang pasti I'm going to end this soon. Tak lama lagi. Tak lama lagi. Oleh itu, masa yang ada ni perlu dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baik dan baiknya. Stop misspend those time.

What ever gonna happen, pedulikan. Yang penting all out je sekarang. NEVER GIVE UP ON WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.NEVER.

" I want to further my studies in Medicine.That's it. I gonna give my smashing  effort_all out!" 


Pembakar semangat! :D

Counter yang membuatkan saya rindu rumah, ketaq lutut dan rasa tua?haha :D

Saturday, 30 March 2013

DAY 118: I'm sleepy because of your song. :(

Songs. We've different genre of song all over the world. Song can affect one's emotion. Just like that. Really just like that. It can change you to a super-ironic person when the song is super ironic and change you into the most romantic person earth when you listen to romantic song. It's really can change you.
 How and why's song affect our emotion isn't the issue right now. I just wanna highlight, what type of song that we should pick to different type of situation. I sometimes really need song during my study times and usually I would pick  head banging English song or maybe country English song to accompany me for the whole hour of learning and sometimes I'll not hear to any song especially when I choose to learn Biology subject( I need super focus for this subject). And I won't, never ever choose sing that have sort of mendayu-dayu *I don't know the specific term. And now that's the problem. If i don't choose it, someone around me would pick that type of song and it's becoming more and more ironic when that person choose to play it in the evening. Ouch.That's basically hurting my emotion and pulls away my mood. It makes  me sleepy, fella. Please stop it! Even if you wanna hear it ,please lower down the volume. Please! It totally had no considerations. I've already put my headphone and full volume but still I can hear it Arghhhh!!! Come on, someone's trying to study here... and I'm sure you don't wanna study but please dont't drag me with you.Please. I really need to prepare for my upcoming final.It's so important for me. Understand me. ? Grrrr...

Friday, 29 March 2013

DAY 118: Bad type of college student.

Life in college makes you met a lot and lots of people that act rather differently than what you thinking all this while. Here, we can possibly met someone who thinks she/he makes great job but somehow for truth they are making shits all these while and smear it onto your face happily. That's kind of person that you might met sometime when you're starting your life as a college student. These type of person worth a curse.

Another type of  person is that, they never do anything but the intend to talk bad about someone else. The back-talker. This person was even worse that a hundred times of cursing really suit them well. They are helpless in doing something but they are can be called a specialist when it comes to commenting others job saying ; "Your work is bad!", "They are ugly" but they never aware of themselves. How they are being so badly ugly... (this is a fragmented clause but it greatly define thosee kinds of person).

Other than these two type of person, there some people that they never care about anything early. I mean they never takes things seriously at the first time till the end of the day. They are kinda fond of last minutes job but somehow it basically ruining themselves at the end where they start complaining about piles of job they have, how hard it is... and sometimes start saying," I'm not good at it", " It's hard for me to do this..." and etc. Which for me, it's okay for you to speak about this earlier not on the day or few days before  the dateline. If you tell anyone beforehand at least you still got the time to learn about it. Understand it and later on find the knowledge from other resourceful material to make you at least understand it. But what you do is the other hand, you start learn about it when it's almost the end. If we made it into analogy.It's like you're trying to learn self defense while having knives on your throat. It's stupid!

That's it! Actually there's a lot and lots more bad type of college student that you can actually observe when you get into college or maybe you're now facing it. Yeah.. We can't change these type of people but we can do is to put a border line between us and them and it's better we decline their approach if they're trying to be a part of you. Because these type of person... they're can actually kill your spirit and worsen your day. Uhuh.. Believe this and be prepared for this, for anyone who's going to college after this. Be prepared.

First time encountering those type of person is still okay. But for second time, it's a stupid mistake, fella :P

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

DAY 108: Satisfied:)

Proudly promoting this fashion designer. Sangat suka hasil kerja dia! So damn pretty and hasil kerja yang sangat kemas. Harga berbaloi dengan hasil kerja dia. This is the truth!

DAY 107: Ajaibnya Malas!

Sekadar menulis kata-kata daripada seorang lecturer aku pagi tadi,

"Kerana kita malaslah wujudnya tangga,
Kerana malas jugak wujudnya escalator,
Juga kemalasan mencipta sebuah lift."

A great word jugak.Kalau difikirkan balik betul juga kerana malas kita mencipta sesuatu yang memudahkan kita. Cari cara supaya benda itu dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah. Bagus apa jadi malas ni. Oleh itu, jadilah malas bermula dari sekarang! :P
Kemalasan kadang-kadang mencipta keajaiban!

Day 104-105: Bako Educational Trip

Kami telah berjaya, anda bila lagi?
On 6th and 7th March, we had a educational trip to Bako to observe the biodiversity there. A great moment, trekking one of the hardest trail there, Lintang trail. Lead the group till the end. Seen a lot and lots of breath taking scenery of God's creation. Sangat-sangat memuaskan. Penat mendaki, melepasi akar-akar berselirat, memanjat tangga yang kecuramannya hampir 90 darjah, tak mematahkan semangat ntuk terus mengakhiri trail sepanjang 5.6 km dalam masa 3 jam lebih?(tak berapa exact, coz it wasn't me who set the time). Lelah, semput, dahaga, semua ada tapi bangkit juga dengan berbekal Catarode dan cool gel mentholathum, (kurang sikit rasa seksa sakit berjalan berjam, sejuk je bila sapu.) Susah macam mana pun rupa trail Lintang ni, tetap tak rasa rugi because dapat tengok scenery yang sangat-sangat Subhanallah! Cantik. Rasa nak datang balik, ambil gamabr perkahwinan on top of the trail.(gurau-gurau) tapi betul sangat cantik. Lagi -lagi bila sampai satu kawasan tu , labelled as bush fire zone. Dimana menyalakan api adalah diharamkan. Sampai kat kawasan ni, angin dia tiup punyalah sedap. Penghh..Nikmat angin bukit. Nyaman gilak lah tek! Senang cerita our trip to Bako ni memang sangatlah best tahap giga, dengan monyet hidung besar dia, monyet kecik yang suka curi makanan and sus aka babi yang bersepah. Yang kurang sikit malam lepas trekking aku tak boleh tidur sebab sakit kepala yang teramat tahap nak hantuk kepala kat dinding maybe sebab terkejut buat  activity lasak tetiba.  selepas berkurun menternak lemak. Penyudahnya jadi pengawal jalanan berdiri memalam buta sampai penat dan kaki sakit berdiri baru aku boleh tidur (itu namanya mengade).Don't know how to explain fi'il-fi'il lain kat Bako ni.Tengok je lah gambar ye. Ni pun sikit je gambar yang diupload, banyak gamabr kat kamera bebudak trekking sama-sama. Tak tuntut lagi. Setakat ni, ini sajalah yang dapat den hidangkan.:P

Buddies Bako :) Making memory together.

Rasa kat scene Jeju Island time kat atas ni.Haha

Pemandangan dari atas trail Lintang. Naik ke atas penat, tengok ke bawah puas. Beautiful scenery

Binatang peliharaan. bersepah! Naik muak dah tengok muka berbulu dia ni.Haha. Rasa nak ketuk-ketuk sebab dia kejar kitaorang masa tengah breakfast.Nak mengecek letuw! :P

Pejuang-pejuang lintang berjaya menamatkan trail.Hahah.Lelah tapi thumbs up!

Otw balik dari Bako. Second time naik boat baru berani bergambau.

Bajet-bajet gambar pra perkahwinan.Ihik :P

Gaya dah habis macho ni. The survivor of 5.6 km Lintang Trail

Kehabisan gaya dicelahan batu pantai Bako

Carilah Trail Lintang dan sahut cabarannya!

Pitcher plant. Bersepah kat trail Lintang ni sampai jumpa pun dah buat tak endah je.Haha

the bush fire zone. Angin sedap kat sini

Atlit -atlit lompat bintang! Rakan-rakan seperjuangan bako dan hayat3
PBL group. yang melintang pukang.haha

Friday, 15 March 2013

DAY 101: Diorama

13 Mac, hari Diorama Pra-U , usaha jerit perit kami dipaparkan pada hari tersebut. Aku tangkap gambar group aku punya je sebab hasil kerja aku.Bwahahaahaha! Terimalah hasil ini...

Ni keadaan lepas kita orang buat kemusnahan..Explosion guna campuran cuka dan soda bikarbonat

rumah-rumah tu made up from sponge bunga tau.

ada jalan tar. yang dibuat daripada bread crumb . Kreatif kan aku.Haha

Gunung berapi nya lah

Just another view je...

Nampak tak kaca pecah tu. Aku kutip cermin muka budak kolej yang pecah.Hahah. Recycle!
tu jalan  raya nya..bread cromb..Nampak tak orang pakai baju pink tu?Itulah aku.Tengah main abu untuk hias diorama

Rumput yang nampak macam bulu tu buat daripada spong e basuh pinggan.

Full view:)

Lima kali meting dan inilah hasilnya :)
Cantik kan? Aku rasa cantik

DAY 99: Striking blue:)

This is my new sport shoes..I ask dad to find it for me..Because I don't really know which shoues suitable for which activities. Ayah yang pilih kasut. Striking blue!!!! I'm lovin' it! Ayah sangat hebat dalam meneka taste aku. Yang striking-striking tu memang type aku lah!!!
Sayang kasut ni.. Rasa tak nak pakai je :D

Saturday, 9 March 2013

DAY 97: Scary start, end cool

Today I had my MUET test. Another triple test that involve writing, reading and listening test. Yeah. the test running on smoothly and end greatly. But the most best part of today's journey was this morning. How am I scared to death...Rasa nak mati yang amat sebab tak ada kereta nak pegi tets MUET. Sunggh ketakutan dan rasa nak nangis kat pak cik*aka abang lololol. sebab dia kata kereta. Dah tiga orang renter di'call'.. Semua engaged tak bangun pagi lagi agaknya. Pastu bila dapat  pulak, "Maaf dik, kereta dah penuh.Tak ada lagi" and I was like "What?!" . Takkan pagi-pagi dah peuh gila advance..Pukul 6 lebih kot aku dengan Tiah meng'call' tukang-tukang sewa kereta tersebut. Memang gila takut ah.. Sebab fikir macam mana nak pergi exam ni. Tapi nasib baiklah, aku ni baik....Allah tolong.haha. Ada seekor lagi kereta yang tak disewa...nasib badan. Kalau tak aku rasa aku tuang je exam ni.Amik lagi sekali.LOL. Terus sewa setengah hari sebab lepas exam pukul 12 nak hanging out dengan rakan-rakan terchenta.
Part hanging out. Super cool!!! Best gila jalan sana sini. Pergi Indian street..Rambang mata aku tengok tudung bebanyak terus sambar tiga helai....haha..kalau boleh rasa nak beli je semua..cantik-cantik gila wa cakap lu. Ohsem! and prices dia nice:) Hari ini memang ops release tension dan spending. New sandals and bag ...Yehaaa... Semangat nak pergi kuliah Isnin ni..lolol. Penat berjalan, pastu aku rasa nak beli printer baru. Seksa nak memilih.Aku bukan tahu pun pasal printer. Nak try cari yang sama model dengan printer kat rumah aku tu. Tak ingat den. Asal nampak serupa dah lah, and again ka-cing, ka-cing... I'm not good at explaining what I feel today, yang pasti I had a great fun with Syakirah , Tiah and Azie. Berjalan sakan kau, nyah... I'm exploring things yang aku tak pernah tahu pun sebelum ni dan berlatih-latih hafal jalan. Balik final nanti, license mariiiiiii..... Seksa tak reti bawa kereta ni aih.. Kena susahkan orang lain pulak. Kesian Tiah jadi teman berduka sebentar pagi tadi time nak sewa kereta.Haha. Lagi satu, kalaulah aku ni anak jutawan sekarang jugak aku purchase kereta seketul. Senang hidup...Haha. But I learnt apa maksud 'merantau'. Baru rasa susah sikit bila benda jadi macam ni. Tetiba, rasa nak berterima kasih kat ayah yang selama ini menjadi pemandu kehormat aku. I'm glad that, you help me all this while dad!And now I must learn to be independent.:)
#penatnya, rasa nak terbongkang dah ni. "a freaking scare start, and a cool ends. it worth something:) and money of course....hahah"

Wah sembilan hari aku tak update blog!

Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

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