Friday, 26 April 2013

DAY 146: the time has finally come.Ending :D

Counter :D

as you can see. It's written there "today is the day!" .Yeah! It's the day.The day that I'll end up my Foundation Programme in UNIMAS.  It's like a dream. Feels like the time has moving too fast that today I finally end all these. All these moment in UNIMAS East Campus. After almost a year here. All those time I spend for a lecture, studying, activities in UNIMAS and the most greatest part is to make new friends here. Syakirah, Minn,Fitriah, Hana, Sal and everyone else. It's undeniably greatest moment I've ever had. Yeah, to be far from family and the same time to get along with the new environment, new taste of foods*highlight. It's basically worth a memories. A beautiful memories. At first, I thought that "Oh, it' gonna be a year of student life and I will do a lot of 24/7 studies" but when I try to think about that now.That's totally ridiculous! How on earth and who on earth would do that? Haha. An alien might do that. To the fact that here in UNIMAS, I learnt a lot of new things. I learnt what it's like when you have a roommate. I mean only roommate. Living together in petite room. It's kinda new from me. But it's worth something. I learnt what's college student life was like. The hectic life here. It push me to try my best as far as I can. I really can figure out what's cooperation and responsibilities to oneself  really is. It's just not a simple value that you just learnt, "Oh, this is the value and that's how it works". No! That's not it's really is. It means more. I can see that it isn't just a value. But it's really something where here I met all sorts of person with different kind of background that I've never met before and you can basically see to what point that these value works for us. Whether it's comes out good or worst. Yeah.

It's the last day. The last moment that I'll be here as an Asasian. When it's the last moment usually there's a little regret on what I've achieved. But who cares? it's the end of this but I've another start to begin. Right? So just go on with it! Jyeah. Doktor Syeikha Zulaikha, you can ! :D
What we should do now is pray and pray. May Allah Bless :)
and remember this till you die :

So true. It's always comes when I don't really do the studies and revision. Feels dumb!
You better prepare yourself now :D 
# as it's the end, tonight we gonna do a party. Official party not that crazy party. Malam Asasi 2012/13. Gonna update on that soon. I mean when it ends :D
Bless everyone!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

DAY 145: Aku terima nikahnya Biology dengan mas kahwin lecture notes segedebuk=,=!?!?!?

I'm hacked
memang tak boleh bela. the day before my BIOLOGY exam.
ada seketul manusia durjana ynag bernama Sabrina Ibrahim telah hack saya.
dengan statement berbaur nasi minyak.
Budak seorang ni memang nak kena. Jaga kau aku pulas telinga kau nanti.
Tak memasal je.
Terganggu konsentrasi nak jawab paper hari ni tau. *sangat penipu
Tengok tu Mr. Ikhwan Idris lecturer den pun dok meng'komen' dengan statement berbaur perlian.haha

lantaklah :) 
yang pasti exam hari ni. thumbs half up. Errr?!!
habis Bio macam habis final exam je.
padahal esok ade lagi seekor kertas nak dikejau .
IT last one. and end ! yeeehaaaaa!

Credits to my Biology lecturers, yang membantu saya selama ini :D
dan jasa mu ku kenang selalu. *hiperbola.lagi :P

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

DAY 144: Chicken soup punya Chemistry!

Chicken soup! Chicken soup! Chicken soup!
Arghhhhh.. geram eh den. Rasa nak rebus sampai hangus Chemistry ni ah.
Aiiiii... tension sekejap. Sakit hati tahap yakuzalah. Bolehlah time exam tadi blur pulak, pastu lupa-lupa ingat konsep. Nak cekik sorang-sorang kat dewan tadi. Padahal punyalah beratus latihan aku dah buat*propa
bolh jadi tadi berterbangan. I mean tak lancarlah nak menjawab, ke memang Chemistry nak buat perang dunia ketiga dengan aku ni? Maths tak buat masalah dia pulak yang menggedik. Puas nak engingat balik tadi. Nasiblah dpaat jugak jawab, hentam-hentam pun betullah jugak kalau ikut penilaian akulah. Tapi yang part tak boleh bela, part yang aku ingat betul salah pulak. Part lukis meluki structure of ester. Lupa den.*actually memang tak pernah fokus pun part tu. Memang kena batang hidunglah. Aish..risau aku.Takut Chemistry ni ah buat loklak macam semester lepas. Kantoikan aku sampai tak dapat dean list. Memang chicken souplah kan? erggh! lantaklah. yang penting esok ni Biology. banyak den nak hafal lagi ni. Chemistry end cutely*ugly but adorable.? haha.. yang penting den dah usaha.Kan? Serah kat Allah je lah :D Doakan yukk!
Tengah-tengah hari ni sebut chicken soup but aku lapar je .Kriuuk!!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

DAY 143: Paku dan belacan.Second day dah jalan :D

Heaven yeah! Second day of exam. English test. Sleeping mode on. Mengantuk yang amat. Last night I did prepared for exam write an essay on Euthanasia. So, today goyang-goyang kaki, everything is her*point to head. Nothing much to worry but the thing that made me very is those unbearable sleepy eyes.Habis ejaan pun lintang-pukang amybe coz of super sleepy. Malam tadi on bed 2 a.m something, on bed je lah. Mata tutup bila tu pun tak sedar yang pasti menunggu lama sebelum roh keluar. Sangat lah, tangan ke bahu, mata ke atas! Ni pun baru bangun dari meng'qada' tidur. Tak tahan gila dah. Still ad sisa-sisa dia lagi tapi terpaksa bangun for tomorrow's test. CHEMISTRY. Miahahahahaha. #menguap!

Malas nak menaipnya lagi, nah tengok ni. Ni salah satu penyebab kenapa aku tak tidur awal semalam. Alahai, comel mat salih ni buat tribute untuk P.Ramlee.  Sengau sengau cute. 
Eden nak start study ni.Chow lu!LOL XD
God Bless Asasians :D

Monday, 22 April 2013

DAY 142: This the final exam. Start point :D


Smile :) Smile :) Smile :)

 So that's it! Today is the first day of my final examination. Final exam of my foundation programme. The last for ever and ever :D
Today, I firstly encounter Mathematics, my beloved, beloved and beloved and most beloved subject that I wish that I won't overspent my fortune on it anymore. Haha. The most killer subject since I was in primary times till today, the last day of Mathematics exam. I really hope this is the last time I met Maths as my core subject and the last time for to answer them. Too bad. LOL. The greatest memories that Maths had give me today for our last date was really 'something'. I love you , Maths :D. As you gave me the real greatest feeling of answering you today. I got my solace with Maths today. It's not easy but it's freaking something that I never thought of having it with this particular subject before. Maybe I had set up my mind that this is my last encounter and I want it to be a BLAST! not like usual. Yeah! Think so :D
DAY 1 exam : ended up beautifully. I have four days more to face before ... FREE!
Tomorrow, it's going to be a war with English essay... and I'll try hard to "prepare" myself  for that. Bwaahhahaha! #evil laugh XD

Yes, we can!
Yeah!Move on dude :D
I can believe I make this as my FB cover photo. For my spirit. Hell yeah spirit.LOL
P/S: THANK YOU MATH'S LECTURERS. credit:: Mr.Alif(sifuku* adik-adik find him and grab his knowledge. ), Ms Farah, Mr Ibrahim, Mr. Deedat, Mdm. Emmerlyn, Mdm.Fazliana :D I guess that's behind the scene lecturers that had been helping me for this semester as long as I can remember :D
and they never read my blog. So what?!haha:D

Saturday, 13 April 2013

DAY 133: Study week!

pejam celik. pejam celik. kejap je masa berlalu tahu-tahu dah masuk study week. Lagi seminggu perlu dilalui sebelum rally otak melanda. Study week is a great thing sebab selalunya sebelum study week, kami akan dilenyek dengan pelbagai assignment, lab report dan yang pastinya semuanya menegangkan urat belakang yang sedia tegang. Dapatlah taik nafas sikit during study week ni. At least, satu dua hari relax. Okaylah. Lepas tu, buka mood sydy tu balik. Haha. Jangan pulak nak jadikan study ni minggu relax sedunia, nanti exam week jadi minggu malapetaka sedunia pulak. Tapi depends pada oranglah jugak kan? Haish. Sekarang ni aku tengah confuse maha gajah. Tak tau nak cover apa benda dule. Nak study Maths ke, Chemistry ke? Biology ke? Confuse aku. Semua subject bantai penting. Urmmm.Mana-mana jelah yang penting- STUDY :D. dah kata study week. For all ASASI UNIMAS student, Good luck and Allah BLESS :)
First class kat Asasi UNIMAS. Macam tak percaya it gonna end soon.

Friday, 5 April 2013

DAY 124:Plan.Start!

Pelan dah mula dilancarkan ni. Memang gila-gila timing study. Lagi dua minggu je kot, pastu final and I have a lot to be read, memorize and do those 'beloved' Maths exercise. Memang badan lelah gila kuasa tiga! Haha. Baru lepas baca note Bio, one and a half set of slide je yang mampu dihadam..... Yang berbaki tu, dah start ' kriiiik...kriikkkk....' memang dah tak masuk dan malas nak interpret. Lalu dengan rasa mengantuk yang berbaki di library yang tengah sunyi tak berapa nak sepi  ni, aku menulis kejadah blog ni. Saja buat-buat release tension. *kunun-kununnya.

Kalau Maths, most of the chapter dah dapat dia punya covering, tinggal nak master tu je. Supaya nanti exam takdelah terkial-kial macam siput sedut. Chemistry, I can say dalam 40% je sekarang ni and, it's considered bad lah jugak. kena habiskan dengan segera minggu hadapan supaya boleh buat second round study. Biology yang parah lagi memarah. Haha. Banyak ler kakak oi! Menyesal tak mendengar lecture dengan baik sebelum ni. Pakai tangkap, tak peduli je. Kan dah kena revise banyak. Kalau tak mesti percent yang perlu dirivise semula kurang sikit. Aigooooo!!! =,='' dengan upcoming quiz dia lagi. Parah!

XOXO. tak boleh nak mengarut panjang-panjang banyak lagi yang nak dikejar ni *mood berlari :D

Eh? Amende nota ni mengarut  !!!Tak faham aku !Stresssss:O
2 jam kemudian..... Bosannya.....Malas nak belajar
Tido jap.... Penat dah belajar ni...Jap gi  sambung
Apabila hari berakhir.."Aku tertido lagi... Satu habuk pun tak study...tskk!tskkk!"


Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

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