Monday, 28 April 2014

Girls celebration day out

April 27th, 2014

asal nya random gabung nama, tapi terus apply idea tulis kat cake..
sampai tukang tulis pun peik haha

Muka semangat, Semoga kita graduate bersama in few years lagi

Lilin tower on pizza haha

3 Pink Slippers bought on same day

sesi menge pink kan bilik walaaaaa
Selamat datang ke Cempaka. Selamat datang ke Faculty baruu haha

First and last hang out with akaksss and moving out Lot 77

25th April 2014
 This is our first and last hang out with our housemate the akakssss :,(
We decided to watched movie on that night so Oculus- Horror movie was chosen.
Gila tak gila hang syeikha pi tengok movie hantu.
Yang pasti aku jerit all my heart out. Takut bak hang!!!
Dalam kereta sewa haha

MBO spring. Kak Mas, Kak Aisyah, Kak Fel, Kak Hana

Out from Lot 77. Punggah barang :O

Goodbye mates :( study table. thanks for your almost 8 months moments

Over luggage baju aku tak muat hihi

In cempaka new room. Kecik nau~
Thanks akakssss for everything. Hope to see ya'all again. InsyaAllah. I love you! take care~
Helluuuu Cempaka , Helluuuu new faculty
New Hope and mission :D

Syeikha Z.
K10/B/LG/5C, Kolej Cempaka

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Selamat Tinggal :(

15th and 16th April, the day to say goodbye to my housemate Kak Ida and Kak Shakirah.
Almost a year dah kita orang tinggal serumah and on those days they finally left us after their graduation.
Seriously, emosi sedih membuak-buak tak faham dengan jelas. 
Diorang serius baik sangat sampai nak berpisah itu boleh rasa kehilangan.Mungkin kejap saja kita berkenalan, tapi ukhuwah yang terbina itu kuat. Mencucur air mata ini, bila fikir balik lepas ini memang tak nampaklah muka diorang bertahun duduk kat Sarawak nanti. Tak ada lah tempat nak mengadu, nak tanya-tanya pengalaman. Sedihnya. Sedih gila.

Banyak kebaikan yang diorang dah buat, tak sempat nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak banyak bantu kita. Bagi pinjam kereta, tolong beli makanan, layan je soalan-soalan dan cerita mengarut dari mulut ni. Sumpah diorang sangat baik. 

Kalau nak jujur betul betul, I take them as part of my family that bila berpisah ini. Dapat rasa kehilangan dia, dapat rasa pilu dia. Thanks so much, akak.

Doa pada Tuhan, kita dapat bertemu lagi satu hari nanti dan doakan kita berjaya mengikut jejak akak-akak ni graduate cemerlang menjadi seorang doktor. Menjadi inspirasi untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang masih jauh lagi. 4 tahun +++ lagi Syeikha. Terus semangat!

Lepas ni tiba masa aku pulak tinggalkan rumah ni 26/4, berpindah ke kampus Barat kat Samrahan less than 2 week more . Banyak kenangan walau sekejap kan. Terima kasih Tuhan kerana beri aku kenangan!

P/S: Tahniah Kak Ida nikah 26/4 ni jugak. Walaupun tak dapat sa pergi Sabah bah untuk wedding akak. Still which you a blessed marriage. Dapat baby cepat haha

To both of akakssss, jadi doktor yang terbaik dan semoga berjaya! Sayang you two :*

Kak Shakirah (centre) with le year 1 housemate.

Kak Ida.... Sedih tak sempat salam, tak ada gambar sesama.
One day, kita cari akak balik kat Sabah haha

Tengah sedih lagi ni,
Syeikha Z.
319 C depan 319 D(Kak Ida) jauhlah jugak dari 319B(Kak Shakirah)
Lot 77, Kolej Kasturi

Friday, 4 April 2014


What I find on the Internet that simple words that explain Islam  and let me quote them here ,
"ISLAM 101.

Let me, introduce myself.
My name, is Islam.
The root word of peace- salam,
Or even salema- meaning submission.
Which to a Muslim, is like his tuition.
It's his ticket in,
But before I begin,
Let me greet you, like I'm supposed to do,
So Assalamu alaikum, may peace be upon you!

You know? It's kinda' funny...
I'm accused of oppressing, when really I'm oppressed.
I've become on the list of things to detest.
I'm screamed in rage, in almost every protest,
& I've become the "red scare", a "threat to the west".

You see?
If you look at me, and all my obligations,
You'll see why I have such a great population,
It's cause there's the motivation,
And that sense of inspiration,
That keeps "Muslim" as their occupation.
To me, being a good Muslim means being a good person.
'cause I'll never ask you to kill or to slay,
Or to lie at least 5 times a day.
I'll never ask you steal, or to hate,
Or to swear or discriminate.

I actually tell you to smile to everyone you see,
Cause a smile's the best form of charity.
I tell you to not smoke and not to drink,
To stay clean and take showers so you simply don't stink.
I tell you to care for animals and treat them with care,
So yes, I'm against animal testing & abuse in case you weren't aware.
I tell you to treat those who treat you bitter...better.
I tell you not to be mad at someone for more than 3 days,
I tell you to respect women and lower your gaze.
I tell you that paradise lies under the feet of your mother,
I tell you to passionately love your significant other.
I tell you to never mistreat your wife!
I mean...if I tell you to care for animals, then what about the love of your life?

I tell you to be precious, and save yourself for the "one".
So you don't keep giving yourself away...till you're literally done.
I tell you to be moderate and that balance is key,
Just in the middle is the perfect place to be.
I tell you to excel in all that you do,
From that essay to that slam-dunk too!
I tell you to clear your ignorance and to never judge,
To love for your bro what you love for yourself; & to never hold a grudge.
I tell you how to be a good person. A person of peace, and a person of love.

They say I'm a terrorist,
An extremist.
And you know what? I am.
I am a terrorist; I terrorize terror,
I kill injustice to make this world fairer.
I am an extremist; I am extremely kind.
So beware of my extreme benevolence, to all of mankind.
Yes, there are those who kill and bomb in my name,
But if I don't approve, then why am I to be blamed?
In every religion, you'll find those who abuse it,
Thinking they have a permit,
To do wrong.

A religion maybe perfect, but the followers may not be.
So when mine commit mistakes, don't blame it on me.
I give what I got, and what I got is good.
So if they do otherwise...they misunderstood.
& I'm not here to preach, I'm only here to teach.
I'm a professor in politics, economy and sociology.
In manners and etiquette, I got my PHD.
To all my teachings, I have two sources.
The book of God, and the words of the prophet are my resources.
I teach for free and to whoever desires to learn,
It's all for the sake of Allah, I ask for nothing in return.

& Listen,
I'm not here to convert, but just to clear misconceptions.
With the way I'm viewed and my common perception.
Because yes, it hurts when I'm literally abused,
By some, who do it for pleasure, just to be amused.

& By some, who just follow the "trend" cause they're clearly confused.
In a nutshell, my name is Islam,
And everything I do, goes back to Salam..peace.
& so as your prof, I need to make sure you pass this test called Life. "

"They say I'm a terrorist,
An extremist.
And you know what? I am.
I am a terrorist; I terrorize terror,
I kill injustice to make this world fairer.
I am an extremist; I am extremely kind.
So beware of my extreme benevolence, to all of mankind.
Yes, there are those who kill and bomb in my name, 
But if I don't approve, then why am I to be blamed?
In every religion, you'll find those who abuse it,
Thinking they have a permit, 
To do wrong. "

"& Listen, 
I'm not here to convert, but just to clear misconceptions.
With the way I'm viewed and my common perception. 
Because yes, it hurts when I'm literally abused, 
By some, who do it for pleasure, just to be amused."

Please understand what and who is Islam. Don't simply judge us. Our religion maybe perfect, but the followers may not be. Some of us is still learning to understand Islam and fully apply them in our life, which explain why some of us got flaws. But that can't be the reason why you should abuse us, say bad things about us.
Click on the link to view the poet.
 ISLAM 101 -The source

Thursday, 3 April 2014

"Nota Kehidupan" bukan "Peristiwa Syok Sendiri"

To be true sebenarnya aku baru tahu wujudnya blog Kereta Mayat itupun melalui fanpage facebook dia, baru beberapa minggu lepas aku like and baca post-post fb dia, post pasal buku dia dan hari ini dengan jujurnya baru first time aku buka blog dia yang sebenar-benarnya.

First time buka, terus aku baca post dia yang latest Bagaimana Menjadi Penulis. Dan aku tertarik pada ayat ni, quoted :
"Nasihat aku, jangan tunggu sudah tua, sudah pencen, baru korang nak menulis tentang nota kehidupan, tulislah bila bila masa terluang, dan sesungguhnya aku sangat berasa seronok bila menulis dan bila sudah seronok menulis, macam kaki pancing seronok memancing, apa lagi nak dikata?"
Yes! Memang inspired dan memang selama ni, aku nak sangat tulis pasal nota kehidupan aku tapi to think back my life sangat sama setiap hari. Rarely ada event-event penting yang boleh dikhabarkan. Berbulan-bulan , bertahun-tahun baru ada event yang menarik pada pandangan aku. Life aku each day is the same thing weekdays pergi kelas 8am-5 pm certain days 8am to 7pm, tu je. Kelas pastu balik tengok drama kejap pastu sambung revise study, kalau tak nanti tertinggal habis, the fact that I'm in medical school. Kalau tak revise naya menangis waktu end of block exam setiap dua bulan yang berterusan. Weekends pulak, mula active lambat sikit dari biasa 9am baru aktif, then study bosan-bosan sikit bukalah drama korea ke, movie yang orang lain dah bertahun tengok aku baru nak tengok. Haha. Tu je lah. Tak ada yang menarik pun.

Nasihat aku, setiap orang yang nak jadi penulis, wajib kena ada buku catatan yang di tulis sendiri tentang nota kehidupan yang ‘make sense’, perlu di ingat, nota kehidupan adalah tidak sama dengan diari. Diari di tulis tanpa isi ilmiah dan lebih kepada peristiwa syok sendiri dengan niat merakam peristiwa sedangkan nota kehidupan adalah fakta dan bahan berilmiah atau peristiwa bersifat ‘sharing and someone can learn from history’."
Yes! Again aku ada diari yang sangat sangat jarang juga updated yang biasanya bila aku sedih ataupun bila aku rindukan seseorang ataupun cinta yang tak kesampaian yang korang takkan mampu nak digest. Itu pun satu hal, entah bilalah aku mula nak sedar diri untuk menulis pasal diri sendiri dan tak berkait dengan oranng lain yang buat iwa ini makin merana je. "Peristiwa syok sendiri" well quoted HAMKA :) Memang basically peristiwa syok sendiri je yang ada dalam diari aku sampai diri sendri pun malu nak baca, menyedihkannya hidup ni :,(
Maybe mulai hari ini dan seterusnya aku patut mula merangka dan menulis nota hidup yang sesuai untuk tatapan bakal suami, anak, cucu nanti. Kalau yang sekarang mohon bakar. Tsk. Tsk. Sebab memang tak ada unsur yang bernas pun, kalau ada pun masa zaman-zaman sekolah menengah dulu. Misi nak berjaya dalamm kehidupan, surat rindu pada ibu ayah dan peristiwa syok sendiri juga terselit yang sudah enjadi habit agaknya bawak ke sekarang cuma mungkin sebab Encik yang buat saya syok sendiri jauh dimata jadi tak banyaklah macam dulu-dulu. Sekarang sekadar nota-nota tanya khabar yang tak pernah dihantar dan luahan yang *sukar untuk dijelaskan.

So, my dear future doctor Syeikha Z, time to start your nota kehidupan yang lebih matang, lihat dunia dengan mata hati. Jangan jadi tuli, pekak dan selaras dengannya. Tulis motivasi untuk diri sendiri untuk kejayaan yang seterusnya :D

Tak nak syok sendiri,
Syeikha Z.
319 C, Kolej Kasturi, Kuching

Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

Facebook Fan Page