have you ever heard about glaucoma?
so what glaucoma really is?
glaucoma is a diseases that related to your eyes.
it will attack you slowly without yourself knowing it.
"the sneak thief of sight."
Glaucoma is a diseases of eyes which usually associated with elevated pressure in eye.Generally, it is this elevated eye pressure that leads to damage of the eye (optic) nerve.This cause person with glaucoma sight becoming smaller and at last he/she will become blind.
Elevated pressure in the eye is the main factor leading to glaucomatous damage to the eye (optic) nerve.
Optic nerve was located at the back of the eye is the main visual nerve for our eye. This nerve transmits the images we see back to the brain for interpretation.We know that eye was firm and round like basketball.right?
For your information its shape and tone was maintained by the pressure within the eye that we called the intraocular pressure. which by fact normally ranges between 8 mm and 22 mm (millimeters) of mercury.source Medicine.net. so, when the pressure is too low, the eyes become softer, while the elvated pressure causes the eye to become harder. The optic nerve is the most susceptible part of the eye to high pressure because the delicate fibers in this nerve are easily damaged.got it??
Glaucoma is the the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world.scary isn't it?
but that the facts.but the scarier facts is that glaucoma usually causes no symptoms early in its course, at which time it can only be diagnosed by regular eye examinations (screenings with the frequency of examination based on age and the presence of other risk factors).So. I think there is a possibilities that you didn't aware that you have glaucoma and all of sudden you lost your sight.very unlucky isn't it?
back to that Intraocular pressure...
it's increases when either too much fluid is produced in the eye or the drainage or outflow channels (trabecular meshwork) of the eye become blocked.By means if you were suspected to have glaucoma , there is three possibilities of causes too much fluid produce in you eye or the drainage or outflow...
While anyone can get glaucoma, some people are at greater risk. Yes that true that whether it's you or me or your father or mother or mine in all terms EVERYBODY. has the posibilities of getting this so called glaucoma but. some people are at greater risk.The major risk factors for glaucoma include the following:
- Age over 45 years
- Family history of glaucoma
- Black racial ancestry
- Diabetes
- History of elevated intraocular pressure
- Nearsightedness (high degree of myopia), which is the inability to see distant objects clearly(it's looks like I have to go for check up...)
- History of injury to the eye
- Use of cortisone (steroids), either in the eye or systemically (orally or injected)
- Farsightedness (hyperopia), which is seeing distant objects better than close ones (Farsighted people may have narrow drainage angles, which predispose them to acute [sudden] attacks of angle-closure glaucoma.)
- Age 20-29: Individuals of African descent or with a family history of glaucoma should have an eye examination every three to five years. Others should have an eye exam at least once during this period.
- Age 30-39: Individuals of African descent or with a family history of glaucoma should have an eye examination every two to four years. Others should have an eye exam at least twice during this period.
- Age 40-64: Individuals should have an eye examination every two to four years.
- Age 65 or older: Individuals should have an eye examination every one to two years.
The two main types of glaucoma are open-angle glaucoma, which has several variants and is a long duration (chronic) condition, and angle-closure glaucoma, which may be a sudden (acute) condition or a chronic disease.
Eye surgery |
Eye lasers treatment |
Eyedrops |
Glaucoma is usually treated with eyedrops, although lasers and surgery can also be used. Most cases can be controlled well with these treatments, thereby preventing further loss of vision.
and Note that ,much research into the causes and treatment of glaucoma is being carried out throughout the world.Pray that someday we'll find the easily known symptoms of glaucoma so that nobody will face such situation that they don't aware that they have glaucoma and suddenly become blind.i don't want that to happen to me.and so are you right?
For this moment only early diagnosis and treatment is the key to preserving sight in people with glaucoma.So, don't let your lazy bump make you regret as you don't go for a diagnosis that may help you control your glaucoma become worst.
For more info on Glaucoma click here.
#thanks for reading.