alhamdulillah today's class going on well.
subject of the day is chemistry and mathematics.
chemistry was kinda fun. walaupun sedikit tergeliat otak den tadi but Mr.Chieng berjaya memaham aku.Kalau tak mau berjam jam aku dalam awangan.hahah.
okay for chemistry review.
as far as i can remember for today we're focusing on the Gases Law,Ideal Gas Equation and Gas Law Equation.
Gases law was consist of Boyle's Law, Charles' Law(the thing that i've learnt during high school.).
From these two Boyle's Law and Charles' Law emerge two important relationship that we called as Amonton's Law(pressure temperature relationship.) and the combined gas Law.
Avogadro's Law(relationship between volume and amount) was also included in this subtopic.
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Notes that was taken on today's class |
the concept + formula:::
Boyle's Law => V=1/P
#volume decrease pressure increase at constant temperature
Charles's Law=> V/T=k or V'/T'=V"/T"
# temperature increase volume increase at constant pressure
Amonton's Law(pressure-temperature relationship)
=> P=T or P/T=V or P'/T'=P"/T" or P'T"=P"T'
#Pressure increase temperature increase at fixed Volume and no of mole.
Combined Gas Law
V=T/P or PV/T= k or P'V'/T'=P"V"/T"
Avogadro's Law
V=n (Pressure and Temperature fixed)
V=k x n or V/n = k or V'/n'= V"/n"
Waaaa..mesti korang membebelkan ..banyaknya nak ingat but actually korang boleh hafal satu je formula and you'll get others easily dgn syarat faham konseplah.
IDEAL GAS EQUATION. the only one that we have to memorize
R :: universal gas constant.
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the relationship between ideal gas equation and the individual gas laws. |
This Ideal Gas Equation can be used to find the density and molar mass of the gas.
Density = m/V = MP/RT
Molar mass of a gas = mRT/PV = dRT/P
For Maths yang dijangkakan aku R.I.P hari ni was actually okay.senang je masuk.haha.maybe sebab revise semalam kot.haha.anyway.nak rivise balik topic tadi.amigos!:)
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