that's creepy.
Hello sir cadaver?
Are you getting mad?I know life is getting harder Syeikha but please make up your mind...
well peeps.
Its not that I'm getting crazy or whatsoever
Its just that today was a memorable day for me.
for the FIRST TIME in my life
I'd meet sir cadaver
FIRST TIME fella.Its my first time.
Honestly, I was too excited for this first true-to-life meeting with dead people.
What makes it becoming extra cooler is that the cadaver was preserved with formalin, chemical used to ensure the restoration of the softness and flexibility of the cadaver.
The fact that able to impress me is that all these three male cadaver was actually kept for 15 years time. That's totally impressive.15 years?! That totally a long gap of time. It must be the process of embalming was so so great or no doubt the chemical used was really really strong enough to ensure those cadaver in good condition.Right?!
Visit to a mortuary was totally an eerie experience, but somehow it gives us a lot.
Experience and knowledge.( doubt.knowledge kureng sikit coz takut sgt time doktor explain tu + eden terkebelakang sikit,tak nampak doktor godok mayat:( )
I'd touch the cadavers.
You.What Syeikha?!
Oh Merciful Allah
totally the moment that I touch them was,
Sumpah takut.but for the first touch je laa.After that I'm getting better.Thank God,I have a lots lots of friend around me.Sampai bergerak tempat letak mayat tu. Semangat sangat all of us nak "meraba" mayat tu.hahha
Trust it was super cool!!
My visit to FPSK wasn't all about mayat ye kengkawan.
Actually,we do visit some other place in FPSK
like pathology and anatomy museum , and physiology lab.
but maybe we are rushing so feeling tu pun rushinglah.
what so great about pathology and anatomy museum is that, this is the place that they kept all the preserved diseased body parts and plastic model of our body.
Menarik?Yes, it is but tak sempat nak merewang here and there
Dah kena panggil to move to next station.
Upsetting,I manage to see 3 shelves of the preserved body parts je kot. The others sekilas pandang je.
Pray to Allah that I was able to further my studies here so that bolehlah saya merewang menghayati those things.:))
by the way, I was told that pathology and anatomy museum was second library for medical student.
Alangkah indahnya kalau aku jadi student medical. Nak menghadap those thing puas puas sampai muntah ler.haahaa.
In pyhsiology lab we was exposed to the study of mechanic of living organism. Sort of applying physic together with biology for the purpose of medical. The machine here was soo awesome :)
New things that I did learnt here is how to check the blood pressure using mercury sphygmomanometer.
I really wanna try it. Kenapalah the instructor tak tanya,"Did any of you wanna try.?"
For sure, I'm the one ynag akan menawarkan diri :D
but malangnya tidak ada soalan sebegitu eh:(
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Mercury sphygmomanometer. Kalau ada rezeki aku,tengok satu hari nanti aku picit picit kau.haha |
So that's it. This visit gave me a lot. experience, knowledge and rasa takut nak pergi tandas seorang diri.Sekian.LOLXD
P/S: Kan best ada gambar for today's visit.Especially kat mortuary tu.Malangnya tidak dibenarkan mengambil gambar ye.Kalau bagi pun aku dengan bangganya berkata TAK NAK!:P
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