Enjoy our discussion today. Lots of laugh especially when we Aqmal ask us whether the man inside the trigger was gay or not. #LOL. Sumpah kelakar.
How come we all debating whether he's gay or not? It's funny...haha
Today we're all very very very open-minded.
"Receptive anal intercourse" clearly showed he's gay.
Sampai lecturer pun gelak we're fighting against each other facts.
but even though discussion kita orang agak-agak tak masuk akal sikit, I mean bila kita orang start mumbling pasal sexual life of that particular man, it's an interesting discussion because we're really into it. * sangat menjiwai eh.haha.
Madam nampak macam berpuas hati dengan discussion kita orang. Cepat and efficient. Maybe most of us really understand about HIV and AIDS mechanism that most of us dengan bahagia dan bergelak tawanya discussing about the disease. How is happen, what's the symptoms. Did that "gay man" was infected by HIV. *GAY ditekankan disini.
Since when? and a lots and lots of question that showed most of us really understand about it. * so I'm relieved... and till now 'feel' PBL tu masih membuak-buak.
Memang sangat merangsangkan eh Ryan? *bajet Ryan baca blog aku jee.LOL
Paling tak boleh blaaa, is Howard punya lawak spontan. Sangatlah indescribable. Buat sakit perut je Howard ni. But seronok kot. Memang tak rasa aura tension tu sikit pun hari ini. Rasa happy and sangat bersemangat because of lawak-lawak antarabangsa yang dicipta oleh budak-budak PBL aku ni.:))
Sweetlah today's PBL. Sangat sweet sayangnya tak ambil gambar tadi. Kalau tak boleh upload kat sini :(
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Facts kita orang tadi.*terlupa pulak nak tambah fact on gay tu:(( |
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Ahli-ahli bersekutu PBL aku.Sayangs-sayangs sekalian<3 *last sem PBL Credit |
To my beloved ahli-ahli bersekutu,
Adina, Nadiah,Azim,Aezza, Howard, Aqmal, Ryan GemokXD, Myra, Adhira,Farah, Miza and Qama
Sayang korang ketat-ketat.haha
Jom terus melakar kejayaan dalam PBL *dengan poyonya.
Seriously tak sabar untuk next PBL. Thanks for everything
Lots of Love,
Syeikha CUN.
P/S: Mid-sem 3 weeks lagi tau.Pesanan khidmat masyarakat.
assalamualaikum , buat medik kat mana?
Deletetak amik pun medic lagi lah. baru pre u kat UNIMAS.