Thursday, 28 February 2013

DAY 88: Ranting di pertengahan jalan.

It's just a depiction for the obstacle. That we may face in our life. The trials that sometimes may undermine the spirit that once, shine brightly. It is a must. A must for these obstacle to be in our life, because not,life gonna be dull. Yes, dull because there's no hardship.

Why am I saying that life without obstacles a.k.a hardship would be so and so dull.
It's because there'll be no challenges. If the world evolves, or your life turns out to be exactly as what you're planning. I'm sure no one would work with such emphasize, like we used to see now as everything can be achieved without any hardship or any obstacles that usually will disrupt your planning of having what you want. But, if there's an obstacles that  we know the fact about, 'how an obstacles can affect our life", we'll surely, automatically be prepared for the chaos, the mischievous that we might face.

Macam ranting, dipertengahan jalan..The anology is like this. Kita telah disetkan dalam mind kita*prepared with the expectation that sometimes there might be 'ranting' that obstruct our way. And what we were thought was to go out from car, or maybe dengan cara brutalnya  melanggar ranting tersebut and 'swooooooshh' memecut laju our Pagani Zonda. Dua cara. The proper and the brutal way.

The proper: Go out from the car.
Angkat ranting, pindahkan ke tepi jalan.. masuk kereta balik dan jalan. As simple as that*dalam analogy je lah.. But this proper way show us the way for us to face the obstacle. Iaitu dengan perancangan walaupun dalam analogy tak nampak macam perancangan yang gempak, but still it's actually a planning tau. Because it got step, it was well-organized,slow but a steady planning in managing obstacle.

The brutal. Hit the ranting and go away.
Yeah. It may seem fast, efficient, and cool way of managing the obstacle. But won't you think that your expansive and branded new Pagani Zonda might have a scratch, even a tiny scratch on it. * no good!no good, Pagani Zonda  dah lah mahal. The same thing applied in your life. Kalau you face the obstacles with an outrageous act* not really, you might ended up with a wound in your life. Don't manage the obstacles harshly, it might hurt you at the end of the day.

Dan cuba fikirkan yang menghalang kamu di tengah jalan bukan sekadar ranting, pokok besar misalnya takkan nak langgar juga kan? lagilah severe keadaannya nanti. So, it's better for us to came out with proper and good, even better  with effective planning, rather than a short, fast way of managing it but somehow in the end, you're the losers.

#Kalau nak perancangan hebat lagi beli chain saw letak dalam kereta. mana tahu ada pokok besar lagi jadi obstacle.haha

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

DAY 86: Le Brochure et Le Vouchers

Muahahaha... I've sort of French Fever. So, just ignore the title *it's absolutely wrong.LOL

So, I've two untold but somehow will be told later on. Ergghh?! =,=" haha.
Two things for today's post.
First, le brochure. *The brochure.
Second, le vouchers * The vouchers.

Today for our English class we had a presentation on our home-made? self-made brochure. Well, it's one of our English assessment that was kinda cool if we tried to think back. I had such* quite vibrant spirit on this task.-Yeah! kin....da! Nothing much to say here. Maybe the picture explain more? :)
Outer part of the brochure. The right side was the first page.

Inside page of the brochure.
This is the brochure that we had been working on.. But, we just print it onto a normal plain A4 paper. Not on the glossy, hard paper. So, it's a bit dull.. but whatever.. as long as we finish it on time and send it.BROCHURE END~
Le Vouchers that I just received today.
Mummy gonna get u , books.!!!! *evil smile

Le second thing is that I just got my 1Malaysia Books Voucher today. Super excited to look forward for the day whereby I can go out and have a blissful moment of purchasing a whole new bunch of books collection. Come on! It's two-five-o, 250, worth voucher ... and I'm sure I can buy a lot and lots of books especially novels. Hahah. I've got the imagination of books that I'll list it into " Books-to-grab" list as soon I reach the bookstores. LOLOLOL. Thanks for the vouchers as I can spend without worries. Vouchers were so great, why don't they give us vouchers to buy new clothes? 1Malaysia Clothes Vouchers. It seems much better for me.Nguehhehehehe....!
Anyway, keys-off.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

DAY 83: How time flies, and how I grow up.

Moving on so quickly, never stop- time never wait for, never.
When I look onto the mirror, I can see the reflection of myself. My face, my appearance that change with time. Coincidentally,  I'm thinking... Who am I gonna be someday? Now, I'm 19 years, 1 month and 2 weeks old, and this is the current me. Yes, I still have that brown eyes and that thick eyebrow- all of it was just the same, accept for that blemish that haunt my teenage life- that's all. Nothing change, though.

 Back to my sudden question of my future life. Who am I going to be? What am I going to do? My career? My future family... all that make up the question about myself- future me. When I try to look around I can see my adult brother and sisters; who are they now. Their job. Their family *only angah and their family-to-be. All those change that evolved in their life. From an infant to child; child to teenager; teenager to an adult and soon becoming older and dies- the normal cycle of life. Each of us may have the current stage in our life. Me- still in teenage era. Still need help from my mum and dad. Still in 'searching mode' of what am I looking for in my life. Talking about mum and dad. Suddenly a question pop out from my mind.,
" How did they feel when they see us, growing up?"
Well, they have been taking care of us since us was born. Red and still zero about life. They give us love and care. From a small sized little fella, to fully grown up child. Like my sister and brother. Their stage can be said as almost full stage of human. How did my mum and dad seen them. Did you get what I'm trying to express here? They had seen everything about us, how we grow; how we failed and succeed in our life. Those mischievous year of us. Everything... and now I'm just wondering... How it would feel like to see your child grow with their own eyes. Not just that, they actually growing older with us-somehow at different age. LOL. But still I really wanna know what my mum and dad feels, when they see us grow? It must be a hard time to see son and daughter of your, that you have been taking all these while soon leaving you. I mean, not to stay in the same house of yours anymore. Not going anywhere with you-not as always as we used to be. It must be a hard time for them. Yeah, maybe we can't feel it right now, but somehow, someday there'll be a moment we'll be experiencing the same thing that feel when they have to let go us, to lead our life by ourselves-not relying fully on them anymore like we used to be. A sad moment though, at least to me.

Try to imagine this, you're now mum/ dad to your child. You have been taking care of everything from the first day they were born. You see all the 'first time' thing in their life with your own eyes. The first time they called you , ' mum or dad' , the first time they chuckle, the first time they walk upon you, the everything of their first time and you're the one that captured those moment of theirs in your memory. Then you see them grow, from a very small little baby to a child-quite big child. Then, see them in their teenager days. See they pimples that grows on their once flawless face. You send them to school. You share their happiness, when they got good grade in their test, and etc. And during hard times of their life you're the one that they first called. The first one that they rely on. In short, you share every moment in life with your child-together. But somehow, one day- you child will be an adult. And they'll have their own job, house, and family to be taken care of. They are now. doing every thing by themselves. Not like before, they don't called you, " me with this..." or " Mama..mama, I can't do this. Please teach me how." and etc. No more 'little child' call for you. And your once a little child now make their own money, living in their own house and even now can make their own decision plus make decision for their own child. They are an adult now- and I can feel a lost here. A lost, that my mum and dad was currently feel right now-maybe? I don't know how they face this.
And one day, I'll be growing up and have my own life. Have my own deciding time, and I wonder how would it be? I feel bad about what my mum and dad gonna feel when I'm not fully relying on them anymore. I don't want them to feel that lost, because I want to be with them forever and be their 'little child' like always. But the time still flies, and I'm getting older. :'(

Thursday, 21 February 2013

DAY 82:Platinum Rule#2 Don't touch my stuff without permission.

This is where 'my rule' leads.

Clear and straight to the point.
Don't touch my stuff without my permission.
Yes. Easy to understand but not easily be applied by some of us.

*Bustling sound.

To the fact that it is my right to give others the permission. So, better stop yourself from classified me as super duper "bajet hott.." or what so ever means that related me to person who thought herself as a hottie, a diva etc. *dot dot.

I'm totally believe that most of us weren't into the feeling of liking others who touch, use, play with or move your stuff*with condition without even mind to tell you. Oh come on guys, you're dealing with my stuff, again M.Y- S.T.U.F.F. So, please be considerate and I'm sure if you're ever had to face this situation of "people use your stuff without bother to tell you",  you'll be agitate and obviously irritated. Therefore, in this situation of me explaining to others that I hate people touch and use my stuff without the permission because I feel bad about it. Thank you for understanding me.

When you're using other's stuff without telling the owner beforehand, it shows that you have no respect to them because you are using the owner thing arbitrarily without even care what the owner reaction. You also can possibly troubling the owner at the time when she/he at stake 'really need to use' their stuff but somehow can't find them because you at first had taken their thing without them knowing it. You're the troublemaker!

Sorry to say this, but did you know that when we're using others stuff *without permission you can actually be accused as a thief. I would never ever 'backspacing' this statement. It's the reality. Because you're dealing with other stuff i.e their belonging, equal to their rights. So, anytime the owner can actually charge you under the crime of stealing theirs. So, don't hesitated or be a lazy person by not to tell them you're planning to use theirs. If you're feeling embarrassed without no specific reason, don't hesitate to tell them not by mouth, but with sticky notes, sms, what else? whatapps or anything as long as they're informed.*emergency case can be considered but you still need to tell me after using it(emergency only!) Okay?

As a reminder again, please don't use my stuff without my permission. :)

DAY 81: The Second Trial.

Yeah, the title explain part of it. Today I'm facing my second trial. Second time MUET, speaking test. The test that was great enough to make me shiver and go to the toilet more than once. Totally make blood rise, my heart beats uncontrollably and terrific enough to make me stammer and stutter-like seriously. I don't know why and why... This is my second trial though, I already had the experience before. I know the flow. I know what the question is all about but ...*triple  dot for that.

Or... maybe because it is my second trial? I've face it before and maybe because I know what the situation that I'll face make me expect perfection from me. And absolutely perfection really hunt me, then embed me with those freaking fear feeling that make feel so anxious. Yeah... maybe...? and I don't really understand why I can speak better in daily conversation but have those weird time during my speaking test. It's so annoying!

For this time, I've got new team mates* considered as. haha. Haqim and two guys from Uitm Kota Samarahan, who I really don't bother to know their Considered okay, maybe? yes. I speak out loud. I pointed out my point but... I don't know if it's appeared to be okay to the examiner. I hope it'll be okay. Out title was 'the factor that make a  perfect Malaysian' and we're given four point as usual (1) fit Malaysian,(2) fearless Malaysian,(3) visionary Malaysian and last  (4) a patriotic Malaysian. As candidate C, I'm presenting the 'visionary' part and seriously I already forget most of the thing that I present.LOL- Short term memory. But what I know my point is the best factor that make up a perfect Malaysian. Because a person with vision knows what they can possibly plan for the future and this future planning was a good component to have a perfect future Malaysia. Don't you think the same thing with me? Don't you. But honestly I tell you here that three of those guy, reject my point ended up choosing a fit Malaysian as a perfect Malaysian. Fine. Majority speaks louder than minority. Therefore, we ended up our task B discussion, believing that 'a fit Malaysian' make up a perfect Malaysian. *but trust me up till now I still stick to the 'visionary Malaysian'. But my opinion was nothing.Daaa... the only,young lady had to accept the guys opinion. Haha.

 I can't believe this. I'm actually updating my post in CAIS aka Library. It was so not privacy. But I'm doing it. Keyboard-OFF. My IT class was actually starting now. LOL.

#Pray I can get the perfect band that I'd been desired till I was diligent and brave enough to have my second trial.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

DAY 79: Hot news! Legakan hati yang ketakutan.

Baru tadi berjumpa denga timbalan dekan dan sesuatu perkara yang mengejutkan* agaklah especially for those who want to futher their study to Medical Faculty.

There'll be no interviews for it!
Yes.Absolutely sure. because it's our timbalan dekan's words kot. 
"There'll be no interview!"

I'm so so glad to hear this from her. Sangat lega. Really lega. Senang cerita lega. Haha. I rasa lega bukan sebab I takut interview but I takut pada "pemilihan interview". It seems so scary at first tapi sekarang tak lah due to the fact that the interview was cancelled. Kan? Apo yang nak ditakutkan lagi jang? Tinggal our final and those carry marks thingy saja lah yang nak dirodok-rodok. Interview considered over! Haha. Tapikan...urmmmm cuba bayangkan ada prompt interview. Haaa. tak ke terkejut segala tulang-tulang urat-urat tua aku. Haha. Tapi tak mungkin kot. Rasanya tak lah.* Aku je yang alien selalu fikir bukan-bukan :D

Interview tak ada, yes- I lega. But rasa kesian pulak dengan kemahiran interview yang kita orang belajar time zaman muda-muda *bajet tua sangat . I mean time sekolah dulu, seniors* the alumni teach us how to face the interviews. We even ada percubaan inteview kot. Macam lawak pun ada. Yelah di'interview' oleh sang-sang senior. Takutlah juga. *kening kening. Takpelah maybe not for this time, next time who knows, kan? haa... time nak minta kerja nanti can be used. 

I met the lecturers, Mr.Chieng yang baik, Mr. Ikhwan cool. eh lecturer Maths belum lagi lah. Esok nantilah pergi. All of them pesan including our timbalan dekan, "study! study!" when I cakap I risau about the result thing.Takutlah ianya tak perfect enough dari sisi mata manusia lain. Kalau aku bedal okay je....kot? Haha. Daripada mulut mereka yang lebih tua dan berpengalaman dan mempunyai taraf pendidikan yang of course lebih tinggi daripada aku dapat conclude: Belajar je lah. Bolehnya jawab tak dapat banyak sikit at least you tak hantar clean exam sheets to lecturers back kan. So considered okay *dengan syarat jawapan tu masuk akal lah.. Jangan pulak korang lukis Troll Face kat situ. Kalau macam tu aku yang bukan lecturer ni pun rasa nak hampuk je. Penat membebel *lecturing dalam kelas takkan seekor pun tak masuk dalam kepala. Macam tu sia-sia lah datang kelas kan, darl semua. 

Kalau based to me,myself ada ja timing I malas nak dengar lecture. Ada je. Tak apa lah. We're humans kan, aku tahu semua rasa bosan boleh wujud bila-bila masa je walaupun kita tak nak. Tak apa lah. Tak dengar kuliah sangat pun tak apa, asal you revise the thing back by yourself.Pandai cari masa lah. Tapi kalau tak pandai cari masa, you have no other choice. Hear the lecture. Nak kuatkan lagi, study. I may not the "4 flat" scorer. But I know what are the way that can make my result look quite okay. You know what I mean, right? * jangan misinterpret sudah. 

Jangan risau kalau you tak score the best sebab menang tak selamanya menang, kalah tak selamanya kalah. Dan dalam dunia ni, nak mencapai cita-cita kita bukan dengan satu cara je. Banyak cara. We've 26 letters to label our plans. So, don't be frustrated. Okay :)
Tok sah lah nangis-nangis. :)
There must be a way. Just search for it. Dunia tak adalah kejam sangat sayang. There's no world of sorrow. It's you! The one that can make it a better place for you and for me... You- decide your choice by yourself. Gunakan otak yang Tuhan bagi. Dia bagi kita otak mesti bersebab. Why not us find the reason why and use 'the why' as our guidance.:)

Okay, I'm quite late for our comm skill lecture ni. XOXO

#jangan sedih-sedih tau. Allah itu ada, Dia terlalu dekat dengan kita. Mintalah bantuannya walau tanpa suara.  

Monday, 18 February 2013

DAY 78: Keep Faith and Reach the Peak.

"I can almost see itThat dream I am dreamingBut there's a voice inside my head saying"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm takingEvery move I make feelsLost with no directionMy faith is shaking
But I gotta keep tryingGotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be a uphill battleSometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb
The struggles I'm facingThe chances I'm takingSometimes might knock me downBut no, I'm not breaking
I may not know itBut these are the moments thatI'm gonna remember most, yeahJust gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strongJust keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be a uphill battleSometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountainI'm always gonna wanna make it moveAlways gonna be an uphill battleSomebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get thereAin't about what's waiting on the other sideIt's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbingKeep the faith, babyIt's all about, it's all about the climbKeep the faith, keep your faith, whoa" MILEY CYRUS - THE CLIMB LYRICS 

Yes. I can almost see. The dream I've dreaming all these while. The dream that be the reason for every step I'm taking. I'm moving on by holding on to this dream and keep fighting, I keep trying. Even though sometimes I felt like I can't but I gotta keep strong to reach it. They might try to let me down but believe me... I'm gonna keep strong, holding to the faith that I can. Yes. I can!

I'm moving on but life isn't how fast I get there and ain't about what's waiting on the other side. But it's the climb. The climb. How hard the climb is, no matter how long it would be, just keep faith and we'll be reaching the peak soon. Keep on moving no matter how hard it is. Yeah I gotta believe that sometimes I gonna have to lose because life isn't just about winning but it a combination of win and lose. However, never lose faith on what you're up to,just keep on trying!

I've been dreaming of being a doctor, but I don't want it stays as a dream forever. Struggles, fight, win and lose... I have to face all these up and down. 
It's okay if I'm lose at the middle of the track but I fight back and start it all over again with the faith that in the end, I'll hold it inside my hand. 
It's okay if I'm a bit late as long as at the end I fulfilled my dream.
Let go all those inferiority, bring all those extraordinary.
No matter what happen I can as long as I...
I'll make sure in the end, I'll be looking like this. A DOCTOR.
I won't take this as a dream anymore but it's gonna be a reality.KEEP FAITH!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

DAY 76: I love you, Ibu and Ayah :)

Asalnya aku tak nak pun tulis post hari ni sebab rasa malas and I prefer to study. But tetiba I perasan yang why didn't I.Today is a specially day. It's my mum's birthday. 54th birthday! Kalau I can write a special post for my BFF why not my mum get the same thing.
But I don't really write this post  just to say 'Happy Birthday Ibu, I love you!" and done. No, not at all. It isn't all about the utterance of birthday with but it's more than that.

I call my mum this morning but I couldn't reach her. I told you, it's truly upsetting-really... But I tried it out at eleven something. Hah..Luckily, she answer my call.
" Assalamualaikum Ibu!!! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuu!!!" with such beautiful melody*kinda.haha.
My mum laugh and said
" Ibu tak nak ni. Ibu nak keputusan anak ibu..."
My jaw dropped.Hek eleh ibu ni spoil mood je...

"Keputusan mid sem dah keluar belum...?"
Gelak je mampu. Try hard kot nak hide my result. But who can resist ibu's question. mesti kantoi jugak. Nak tak nak mesti punya.

 "Blaaa..blaaa..." I tell my result. Obviously tak nak bagi tahu kat sini lah kan. 
"Kakak, apa dah jadi ni.. Kenapa result kau macam tu. Kakak malas belajar eh? ke malas sembahyang ni takpun makan tak pandang...bla..blaaa.."
"Bu, macam mana nak makan kalau akak tak pandang. Akak pandanglah" Haha.Saja kenakan ibu.
Ibu terus sambung sesi ceramah seperti selalu dan seperti selalu kerja saya main-mainkan ibu.
Memang tak lengkap kalau tak mengusik ibu.Haha

Nasib baik tak drag lama-lama sebab time tu dalam kereta on the way ke Kuching kalau tak selalu makan setengah jam lebih pulun cakap. Main pas-pas ayah dengan ibu.

Tadi pun sempat jugak ayah tercinta nak menyelit.

"Apa...?" tetiba je keluar suara ayah.
"Mana ada akak nak cakap dengan ayah. Ibu tu.."
"Tak nak cakap dengan ayah sudah.. dah nanti tak yah cakap dengan ayah lagi" dengan nada tak puas hati manja-manja ayah.
"Eleh!sikit-sikit merajuk. Sikit-sikt merajuk. Malam nanti akak telefonlah ayah balik.Ni dalam kereta ni."
"Dah yah eh.Bye. I love you.Hahah"

Dan tadi baru lepas habis night call dengan ayah dan ibu.
Seriously rasa nak menangis cakap dengan ayah sebab rindu gila. Lepas tu I'm sad sebab I tak dapat perfect score for my mid-sem padahal punyalah banyak kata-kata semangat ayah dan ibu bagi. Tapi ...
Tuan punya badan yang lemau sangat ni...
lagi satu before mid sem clearly aku banyak buat benda tak berfaedah. Clearly. Timing study is lesser than timing I online. Jujur.

Time calling-calling ayah tadi pun ayah cakap,
" Kau kerja asyik facebook, youtube je. Belajar takde balang*my brother kau cakap"
Pergh. Tertusuk ke lubang hidung tapi masih nak menjawab.
"Mana ada ... Balang tipu, pulak dia tahu akak surf apa..." 
"Asal dia online je, kau online.."
"Mana tahu, time akak kita orang memang selalu online timing sama."
Aku dah tergelak-gelak nada orang bersalah. Kantoi dengan ayah selalu online. Lepas tu mulalah ayah bagi tazkirah, orang laptop guna buat belajar bukan guna untuk online je kerja.

Memang habis-habisan kena motivasi dengan ayah. Yelah ayah, yelah nanti akak deactive lah facebook tu *ayat selamatkan diri.

Satu benda kalau aku cakap dengan ayah mesti ayah main-main kelentongkan aku dengan tujuan nak buat aku jeleslah dengan orang kat rumah. Tapi kelentongan yang tadi paling tak boleh blaa tahap abad ke dua pulh satu lah.

"Hari ni ibu kau masak nasi beriani LAPAN JENIS LAUK"
Haha.Lawak ayah. Lapan jenis lauk. Obvious gila ayah nak buat aku jeles kononnya.Malangnya tak jadi...
"Akak tak suka makan nasi beriani lah ayah..." Nada nak mengejek sebab ayah tak dapat nak kenakan aku.
"Alah akak jeles...." tak nak kalah ayah...
" Yelah..yelah.. Ayah makan lapan jenis lauk eh? Patutlah masuk hospital hari tu. Doktor cakap tak nak dengar"
Yes. Yes. Bom nuclear untuk ayah..Haha

"Alah, doktor pun tanya ayah pasal ubat. Ubat apa ayah makan. Ubat tu function dia untuk apa...blaa..bllaaa..."
"Yo.Yo. O je ayah"
"Betul. Ayah tak tipu. Tak percaya tanya ibu kau."
"Yelah. Yelah doktor apa tanya ayah"
"Doktor pelatih Manipal"
"Alah doktor pelatih je kot. Tapi apasal dia tanya ayah pulak?"
"Haha. Tulah. Doktor pakar yang suruh"
Ayah...ayah... comel je. :) Sebab tu aku sayang ayah. Rindu gila kat ayah.
Lama kot kitaorang cakap sampai dah tak tahu nak cakap apa lagi.
Tapi yang tak boleh belaa gila bila dengar suara ibu bising bising kat background...
"Hai, birthday girl!!!" Haha. Hari ni kan birthday ibu.
Terus ibu bebel-bebel...
"Ayah kau ni memanglah. Ibu tengah wirid dia paksa pulak cakap dengan anak dia." 
Kan? Tengok? Comel je ayah dengan ibu ni. Lawak pun ada kalau dengar diaorang ni bising-bising.

Nak tak nak ibu terpaksalah bercakap dengan aku.Tinggalkan wirid dia tu.
Banyak jugak kitaorang cakap. Pasal belajar* of course sambung ceramah petang tadi. Tapi aku tak kisah sebab aku suka dengar ibu bebel-bebel pasal pelajaran sebab apa yang dia cakap tu selalu benda betul. Pasal hospital, pasal doktor favourite ibu dengan ayah.

Tapi selalu kalau cakap dengan ibu mesti keluar soalan pelik-pelik pasal penyakit yang lebih wajar ditanya kepada doktor. Tapi ibu nak jugak tanya kat aku.Bajet aku tahu semua je.
Wahai ibunda, anakmu ini baru peringkat asasi belum degree lagi apatah lagi degree medic tu. Belum tentu dapat ibu ku sayang. Hahah

Tapi hari ini aku rasa sebenarnya ibu nak test aku punya pengetahuan.
"Kak kau dah belajar pasal jantung?"
" Dah lama dah akak belajar bu." 
"Apa symptom-symmtom dia?"
"Errrrrrrr..err. Sakit dada lah. Ibu google lah semua ada..."
"Doktor kat hospital tu cakap...." Ni point yang buat aku detect ibu memang sengaja nak test understanding aku.
 "Dia cakap belakang dada bawah sikit kat bahu tu sampai ke tengkuk akan rasa sakit, lepastu kaki bengkak ...blaaa..blaaa..".   *aku dah terlupa apa symptom yang ibu cakap tadi =,="
Ni lah perkara yang agak selalu berlaku kalau aku telefon ibu dengan ayah.
Upacara passing handphone.
Cerita pasal rumah*untuk buat aku jeles.
Pasal penyakit. Hospital Doktor favourite ayah dengan ibu. *kadang tu benda berulang pun ada
Tapi aku tak kisah sebab aku suka dengar ibu dengan ayah bercerita best, kelakar... comel-comel je ayat diaorang. Selalu kalau bosan-bosan selalu teringat perbualan telefon ibu dengan ayah. Mesti buat aku senyum sorang-sorang.Haha.

Lagi banyak aku cakap pasal dorang lagi aku rindu.
Ibu ayah balik final exam ni nak kiss banyak-banyak, nak peluk banyak-banyak :D

Aku beli coffee ni bebanyak untuk stay up. I wanna study die-hard.
 *Ibu dan ayah adalah penjana motivasi terbaik.Kalau rasa lemah telefon diorang mesti semangat balik.Trust me! I always did this. Aku beli coffee tu pun sebab terkenang diorang. I have to strive hard and be friend with this Black Coffee now on :)


I love you, Ibu and ayah :)

Friday, 15 February 2013

DAY 75: Aku dah bosan.Aku dah bosan.

*sigh, * sigh, *sigh and *sigh again...
"Salam sejahtera 

Kelas gantian pada petang ini (15 Feb 2013, 230-430pm) dibatalkan. Sila maklumkan kepada rakan2 yang lain


Inilah perkara yang membuatkan aku mengeluh tak henti-henti. Waktu first tahu pengumuman, I was like...
"What class cancelled? Aku nak buat ape doe. Aku dah sakit badan dah tidur.." said me to my roomate.
Memang sangat lost, tak tahu gila nak buat apa whole evening ni. Seperkara lagi yang buat aku malas nak dengar pengumuman sebegini sebab mesti nanti class tu kena replace next time. Dan perkara tu yang paling buat aku *sigh *sigh. Malas nak pergi kelas ganti. Sebab timing dia mesti tak kena feel, kadang tu petang-petang alam macam ni ada lecture. Punyalah nak katup mata tu hanya Tuhan yang tahu. For this case dia adalah kelas ganti yang bakal digantikan pada satu waktu yang akan ditetapkan nanti. LOL. Kalau dia ganti minggu depan. Aku memang speechless dah minggu depan ada PBL nya. Lab lagi. Tak ke pack nanti minggu depan kalau ada kelas ganti. Hurmmmmm...
Sangat kot!!!! Kalau kat rumah boleh kacau ayah =,=" kat sini....apo eh yang nak dikacau..:P

Takpelah maybe I can something to do this evening. Buat sajalah apa benda pun asalkan masa terisi yang pasti kejap lagi nak shut down terus lappy sebab dia selalu drag me to something worthless. Movie lah, facebooking lah, apa lagi..Oh.oh..survey baju kat butik online lah. pastu mesti end me up  beli something and that's terrible. Buat bazir duit belanja mingguan aku je. Karang ada yang ayah mogok tak nak masuk duit sebab asyik membazir je. So, adalah lebih baik saya Syeikha Zulaikha shut down lappy and pergi baca buku. SEKIAN

*Saya nak kaji software Macromedia Flash malam ni. Kena start project software IT minggu ni juga. Nanti last minute nanti tak termampu nak mengejau *tu kau... dah tukau slang melaka dah.Hahah
EH?! lelebih pulak gambar ni :P haha

Thursday, 14 February 2013

DAY 74: 14 FEB | ilysm

So... Today is 14 February 2013. The day that people named it as Valentine's Day.
But wait... this post wasn't related to Valentine's Day at all. Not at all.
But still it's a special day to be cherished with someone I care at most of the time *haha
The one that was really important for me. :)
We are far apart now. Separated by the vast ocean. Yes. Separated from each other, physically. We can't see each other. We can't hug each other. But at least I know she's here-deep in my heart. Yeah, I always have the believe that SHE can see who she is inside my heart. How she is important in my heart. Even though I'm not that kind of person that show my feelings towards someone so well. But I believe and hope she knows that I LOVE HER SO MUCH.

The years we had gone together is always a memory to me- a precious memory... I had always remember you as one of the best thing that ever happen in my life. You give such impact that I cannot forget you*insyaAllah no matter how far the space separate us, how time flies and leave us with the memory. InsyaAllah, you'll be here- inside my heart forever.

I'll keep those laugh that you give me. Those smile that you carve on my face. Those moment that you light it up for me-like ever! Always with me. Oh... I'll keep those thing that chain our moment together with me. Your letter, your gifts, your picture- I'll keep it with me, because it meant so much to me, so are you :)

And today 14 February 2013, it's your birthday. You're 19 years old now dear. How time flies fast. I feel like it was yesterday that us had the moment together as a school teenager-you and me in school uniforms. We gave each other birthday gifts. Hang out *considered as.if you know what I mean^^. Chatting after school. Feed ourselves at the stall right in front the school * kuey teow sup.Slllrppp...Slllrrrp...HIHI. But today along with the stride of your age, it also show that it's our friendship year stride and I wish we can keep it longer till the end of our breath with Allah's blessings. Amin ~

Today's your birthday. I'm not able to be next to you to welcome your new age with you. I'm not able to wish it straight away to you. I tried to call you this morning, why didn't you answer me, huh? Gigit kang! Haha...So, I write this post specially for you to wish you a 'Happy Birthday!!!!May the day you'll lead in future with such glory and happiness. Kisses and Hugs for you :*'
Oh... Sorry, no gifts lah sayang. But what if I promise you "THE LOYAL ME" as the present that you'll
receive in urrmmmm.........5 or 6 years time?Will you accept me?

Anyway, XOXO. See you soon.

Regards from Sarawak, Malaysia
Did you remember this tree? and the round table next to it?We used to chat there.Yeke?!Haha
P/S: Pedulikan budak tudung senget tu. I never wear tudung well.Mesti senget.Ish=,=!!

Haha. You and me. We are the in-pose-able.
*What a weird expression I have.LOLZ
ILYSM <3 *Blinking eyes.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

DAY 73: Rumah Terbuka Maths

Jemput jemputlah datang adik-adik, abang-abang, kakak-kakak, mak cik- mak cik, pak cik- pak cik semua...
Buat jurung kalinya bilik saya mengadakan Rumah Terbuka Maths 2013. Sesiapa dijemput hadir sekiranya mereka telah menyiapkan salah satu soalan assignment Maths yang membunuh petala ke lapan. Kalau you have done nothing dipersilakan keluar *tak guna punya tuan rumah.
Di sinilah medan kami semua mendiskusi assignment Maths yang menjadi igauan ngeri para pelajar *kalau aku seorang je tak tahulah lah pulak =,="
Tapi yang pasti the assignment was 80% done dengan kerjasama wonder pet yang kami amalkan.LOL
Rumah terbuka yang paling terbaik dalam dunia kerana kami bukan sahaja berjaya menyelesaikan masalah-masalah Maths tersebut bahkan kami juga dapat begembira sambil 'menggong-gong' biji kuaci*wrong term here. Eh! penatlah nak buat bahasa skema ni.
Yang pasti I truly enjoy today's open house memang heaven meaven ler. Gelak-gelak sambil buat gossip budak hott haha. Part budak hott punya gossip memang tak boleh bela. Skandal-skandal rahsia semua keluar . Kait-maitkan budak-budak ni dengan entah siapa-siapa je. Random je keluar nama. *macam random tag pun ada gaya. Dengan si Tyrah buat lawak selamba dia, lagi sakit perut aku. Habis semua ilmu keluar sebab banyak nau bergelak tawa. Tak sangka gila dengan bilik pack gila-gila kentang. Bayangkan bilik yang duduk dua orang pun kadang-kadang semput, ni pulak bila 12 orang berasak-rasak masuk. Dengan assignment paper bersepah-sepah kat lantai eh lagi.. Kuaci sepinggan kat tengah "Krupp...Kruppp..." cakap- cakap... Habis segenggam ambil lagi. Haha. Macam Joyah* bukan nama sebenar. mengumpat depan rumah dah gaya sensorang.
Yes. Happy-happy jugak. Gelak-gelak jugak. Tapi bergeraklah kerja kitaorang siaplah jugak. 80% .HIHI. Bergunalah sungguh rumah terbuka ni. Tak ada lah tension macam sebelum. Kalau buat dengan partner asal je, alamatnya 'Kriiik...Kriiik...'  dua-dua nanti blur. Lebih baik discussion macam ni, sempit bilik tak terasa sangatlah *tak kot... LOL
Sebenarnya dari semester lepas dah buat rumah terbuka ni Olehnya kerana, ianya sangat efektif tu yang drag to second rumah terbuka. :)
Anyway, thanks to all the partner yang terlibat memeriahkan bilik saya yang cun ini. Haha.

Credit: My beloved BFF @ partner Nurul Syakirah yang kiut(saje puji lelebih), Hana Anje&  BabyNabila ; Myra Nur Cahaya (yang aku baru tahu nama penuh dia tadi)& sayang tercinta Nurul Fitriah ; My deary honey Salsabrina & Ramizah aka Lilly Pitch Perfect(yang suara tak dengar tu); Izma genius&Tyrah Tghah Hottie and lastly rumbate ku Fatin& Aisyah Manje
Oh!lagi sekor penyumbang dari jauh (depan bilik je) Minn the Jibber!

#LOVE yaa.Thanks XOXO

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

DAY 72:Hectic Life. Starts now!

Today is the last day for our mid semester break + Chinese New Year holiday.
I'm sure that start from now* not really now every room in Kolej Seroja would be filled again.
Every room will be lighted again and every part of college would start to have sound again. :)

Everyone *the one who go back home only will unpack their things. They'll start tidying up their 'dust' room. Haha. Thank God. I don't have to face these dusts for this holiday. *shine
And I'm sure each of us will start to worry about our unfinished assignment *not even start actually. I can't believe that the due date would be this Friday and I haven't done anything- not even one question. It's okay. I'm sure the foundation student will start their cooperation at anytime start from now. So, there's nothing much to be worried of-nothing much... Haha
Those who had finished their assignment. This is for you.LOL

Tomorrow- starting at 8.00 am each of us here at UNIMAS East Campus i.e. Kolej Seroja will start our hectic life as a foundation student back after quite long *erghhhh. holiday. We will have our classes, tutorials, labs what else? Hurmmm... study hours* in brackets back. Whatever it is our holiday *boring one. finally ends. Thank God. Haha
Oh?! Looks like tomorrow I'm going to have my express breakfast again and have coffee again!!! 3-in-1 coffee mixed with 3-in-1 oats and I have ..... a breakfast! Haha

This is me with all those delayed work.:((

I can't write much. There's so much undone thing waiting me in real life. *Sigh. Did I have so many dreams during this holiday that I'm not aware that I'm still in a real life? Woot!Woot!

#I've lost my maths skills back.*as if skillful I am all these days. LOL. How am I going to finish my maths assignment? I've already forget few concepts.
How I wish...

Monday, 11 February 2013

Platinum Rule #4 Don't break promises.

DAY 71: Platinum Rule#1 Don't Lie. I hate liars.

Thanks to Adobe Photoshop CS3 again :)

The first PLATINUM RULE to be close to me is not to lie to me, like seriously because I hate liars so much and I know most of us did.
Why I doesn't regard liar as someone to me?
Because by lying, they show their insincerity towards us and what is the purpose of friendship if you lied to each other, right? 

Pretty little liar.

I hate liars also because they are liars and cannot be trusted. Non-trustworthy people should not be regarded as human. What is the purpose of you lying to others? It is especially when it comes to lie about yourselves. Lying about you? Naaaa... That's lame. Just be the way you are and let the world know the real you. If they can't accept it then let them be as long as you know yourselves then who cares what other people think about you. No need for you to lie about yourselves to look good on others sight. That was so fake! and I don't understand how people live in so-called fake life. 

I hate liars because I hate the feeling when we put our trust on someone, she or he just crush it like it was nothing. *I feel I'm so fool to trust you all this while and you don't appreciate it. I hate liars as much as they disappoint me, and trust me I really hate disappointment. I'm not into the feeling of being sad, worthless when someone I trust lied to me. 
I know you understand the feeling when someone lied to you. It's a common feeling that most of us 'must' feel because there's liars everywhere. 

I just don't know why, sometimes I can feel the 'aura' of liars surrounding someone met. I don't understand this but I'm obviously don't like his or her aura that I put my step away from them. I'm sorry. Yeah... maybe it was just my over-reactive sensitivity feels towards someone gesture, posture, attitude that I oftentimes analyzed them as 'cannot be trusted'.  But that's for precaution, right? It's better for me to beware of the possibilities before they become realities. It was the reality that I truly hate it. To be fooled, lied what else? Back-stabbed? Who knows?
Pinocchio. Wonder how would it be if us human  got  nose like his.
Every human tell lies. I'm sure it's very long.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

DAY 70:The new look

Well, today I'm making few *not really changes on my blog appearance.Tadaaa:)
Pink! The pink me is coming back. 
This is the real picture.
 I edit this picture by adding a text. Just a simple editing using Adobe Photoshop CS3

After editing :)
 I want to put my QR bar-code there but something was wrong with it.:(

The background
Actually, I just find these picture in the Internet and merged them into a beautiful piece. *at least I'm in love with my blog new appearance.

Awwww, I'm going to miss that old template. Luckily I'm doing the print-screen yesterday. The header only

The old header.
#I have change my blog name though 6 Month Mission to Syeikha Zulaikha. *my name.LOL

Saturday, 9 February 2013

DAY 69: Confident trick#1

Huhahaha... This is to fulfill my promise in my post DAY 23: I'm confident enough!YOU?
It took a long time for me to write this thing.LOL*joke
Only then I remember I had promise you the tips on " How to grow the confidence in yourself."


Recognize your insecurities.
These might be the reason of you being so low in confidence. But toss it off.

In easy word, identify the thing that makes you feel lack. What is the thing that makes you feel you feel uncomfortable or ashamed of yourself? The thing that tack yourself down to the earth. This can be anything from head to the toes thing. It can be your acne, toregrets, friends at school or it might be your past time, the traumatic or negative experience that hold you from exposing yourself. Whatever it making you feel unworthy, ashamed or inferior, identify it, give it a name and jot it down. Don't worry... There's nothing to be feared of. It's you. Just write it down and maybe you can tear off these written pieces to start feeling positive on those point. It's like when you tear all these written insecurities of yours, it was zapped from your life*although it doesn't. Haha. It's just one of the methods to motivate you and it needs so much of cooperation from yourself.

What was this 'tearing thingy' tried to show you are that these insecurities were not everything. It just like the piece of written paper, when you tear it off it signifies nothing to you. You can always find new one and write again. *means that you can make change of that, upgrade that whatever it is. Because it doesn't mean that these insecurities would be with you like forever you can make change though. So, just leave on and if you have the chance, put the miracle in it. Voila'

I just wanted to share you the story of myself. I'm not perfect. Absolutely! My tooth was pretty unorganized *prettily unorganized. Haha. I got this slanted teeth for many years till I can't remember when the first time it became like this. It's truly ugly* you got my word on that. Truly ugly that every time when there's a check up with dentist especially when the doctor was super duper handsome*ignore this, I don't feel like opening my mouth because it's ugly. You got it. Horrible and I'm ashamed. But I've to face it because it's the real me. Yes. I can avoid it for few times but it cannot be covered forever, right? Because every time I wanted to talk I have to open my mouth. Eat, open my mouth. Yawn, naturally open my mouth. So, it's not a thing that I can hide from anyone. So, what I have to do is to face it whether I'm comfortable with it or not. :)
And for few years I've been living with those ugly tooth and participating with a lot and lots of event that had me on stage, like debating, public speaking, coral speaking, reciting poem, presentation and etc. everything that got me speaking, opening my mouth and showing this slanting teeth to others but I don't mind. Why? Because this is the real me and on December 2011 I got the miracle. The braces. Finally, I managed to 'upgrade' my tooth after a long life journey with the slanted teeth. :)
Did you see that teeth. I'm sure it's obvious. So, that the condition when it had brace on it. Awful isn't  it?
Try to imagine how it looks like when it doesn't have those braces on. * I can't find the old me without braces  in my file.

So, what's the purpose of feel ashamed of you? Bring it on, babe! Well, I just don't know why some of you feel so low about yourself. Really don't know. People. It's you. If it wasn't you appreciate yourself then who else? It should be you, be the first supporter of yourself, okay? Don't be bothered about your insecurities because everyone have their one, no one is perfect even though they may look perfect but they aren't. Believe me. This is the truth. It either they hide it very well or we're not that sensitive to detect theirs. :)

Therefore, be confident of yourself and stay calm. No harm. XOXO

* Wait for next tip and trick on How to grow confidence in yourself. Cluck :9

Friday, 8 February 2013

DAY 68:Never walk alone?

This is how 'live a fool' think. I'll change it  too "You'll sometimes walk alone"
*No harm Liverpool die-hard-fan.

Never walk alone?
No. No. No. That's truly not me. Absolutely! Why? Because I prefer to walk by myself rather than walk in a       
group. To me walking alone is rather fun than you in group walking together, going somewhere especially if the place that you are heading to is a stone throw from you.

"Oh Syeikha, don't you aware of that danger that you might face if you walk alone?"
"Are you insane? It isn't safe out there!"
" Syeikha...." 
Bla...Bla...bla...* a lots and lots of version of counseling I ever had.

My mum had once commented me not long ago. At that time she called me when I'm on my way back to my college from library at night, alone. And again free counseling from my beloved mum. Come on mum. The library was quite near to my college, don't be too anxious. It's nothing. I can protect myself well and as long as we believe there's Allah to protect us. There's nothing to be feared of. I'm a tough girl. LOL XD 
Ha-ha. This is great. 

You might think that I'm such an introvert. Being alone and all that but sorry all you thought need to be cleared off as I'm not that kind person. I'm extrovert. I tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastic, TALKATIVE, assertive and gregarious but sometimes I need my own space of being alone without anyone else disturbing me. Yeah! Sometimes I would go out in group, hang around with them. Laugh together, keep on eyes for cool and cute things together with them* especially clothes, like others I did all that with my friends. But sometimes I don't feel like to be together with anyone. I just want to be A.L.O.N.E. I do my shopping alone. Eat in my favorite restaurant alone. Studying alone #I do this always. :)
What else... walk alone, jog alone and etc. So, you must understand this. It's not that I want to keep a distance from it just that I want my special time with myself.*Am I romantic to myself. Haha.

I suggest you to try this out. It super cool to do things alone by yourselves. You don't have to set up time with anyone. You don't have to wait for anyone. It's all about you. You can 'date' yourselves without considering the other part of you felt okay with it or not. You take as much as time you need without worrying the other part of you, right? You can independently decide what time you wanted to go back. It's all yours and its super cool!*if it's for me, I prefer to go back early because I hate darkness. Haha. That's why sometimes I prefer to do my shopping alone, because if is it in a gang it is an always for them to go back at night. Well, youngsters... *I'm an old lady. For them, "Night is still young, babe!" That's truly not me. Of course not me. : 3
I enjoy my time walking alone like she does. And it's cool!

However, anything is on you. You're the one who'll decide what are you up to, right? Take a break, have thought, and got hits! XOXO

# I haven't done my assignment yet. Waarrrgh! Mid semester is a nightmare with this assignment....!
I'll absolutely not going to walk by myself at night next time. Haha!

Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

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