Monday, 31 December 2012

DAY 29:Photoshop-ing

Today I've learnt few skills in Adobe Photoshop
Cool gilalah software ni.
Below is the before and after editing  photos.
I nampak coolkan.haha

BEFORE.I yang cute
AFTER.scary meyh.
memang best tahap gaban lah melayan this Adobe.yehaaa!!!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Day 28:Sia-sia sahaja:(

Aku baca pasal ni dan aku berbesar hati nak share dengan uolls peeps. :)

Today everything is getting better than yesterday. XD


1.Laki-laki atau wanita yang berdoa untuk dirinya sendiri..tapi tidak memohonkan doa untuk ibu-bapaknya dan kaum Muslimin.

2.Orang yang sering membaca Al Quran..tapi tidak membaca secara tertib sampai seratus ayat tiap-tiap hari...

3.Laki-laki yang masuk ke dalam masjid..kemudian dia keluar dari masjid itu tanpa mengerjakan shalat tahiyatul-masjid..

4.Orang-orang yang melewati perkuburan..tapi tidak mengucapkan salam kepada penghuni-penghuni kubur dan tidak mendoakan untuk keselamatan arwah-arwah mereka...
5.Laki-laki yang masuk pada hari Jumaat ke suatu kota..kemudian dia keluar lagi dari kota itu tanpa mengerjakan shalat Jumaat berjemaah..

6.Laki-laki atau wanita yang tinggal di suatu lingkungan dengan seorang ulama.. tapi dia tidak mempergunakan kesempatan itu untuk menambah ilmu pengetahuan..
7.Dua orang laki-laki yang bersahabat..tapi mereka tidak saling menanyakan tentang keadaan masing-masing dan keluarganya..

8.Laki-laki yang mengundang seseorang menjadi tetamunya..tapi tidak diacuhkan dan tidak dilayani tetamunya itu..

9.Pemuda yang menjadikan zaman mudanya berlalu begitu saja tanpa memanfaatkan waktu yang berharga itu untuk menuntut ilmu dan meningkatkan budi pekerti..
10.Orang yang tidak menyadari tetangganya yang merintih lantaran kelaparan.. sedang dia sendiri makan kekenyangan di dalam rumahnya..

Saturday, 29 December 2012

DAY 27:Tazkirah| Sedu-seduXD

Pejam celik. Pejam celik. Kejap je dah nak sebulan kan? Macam tak percaya je.
Rasa macam baru semala je balik ke Sarawak ni.#hiperbola.
Cepatnya masa bergerak tak terkejar dek den ni ah.
Laju sangat. After 4 weeks I started my Semester 2, kalau kira-kira ada lagi 4 minggu= sebulan lagi untuk prepare for my mid semester.

"Pergghh..poyo nya hang pa nak prepare awal-awal mid sem.Tolonglah!"

Excuse me. Suka hatilah nak prepare awal ke tak. My future kot. Not yours. Kalau you rasa I'm kinda annoying sebab nak prepare for my "mid sem" it's up to you. No harm. Get on with your annoyance. Do I look like I care?? #emo sebentar.

Sesi tazkirah diri..
Oh God. Seriously dah sebulan meyh. I'm not fully prepared yet lah. Maths belum sifu lagi these two chapter. Biology masih dalam proses menghadam chapter Immnunology tu, sekarang ni dah masuk Genetics lah pula lagi parah. The past pun I belum pegang dalam tangan lagi ni. Chemistry je yang agak okay because I rajin sangat buat tutorial dia. but somehow Chemistry ni haru sikit. Memang time revising and tutorial-ing I bajet faham tahap petala ke tujuh, ke lapan. Tapi once exam rasa macam tak pernah belajar je. Padahal tutorial buat selalu okay je. Mesti lecturer ada hidden agenda behind exam paper ni. :(
Ke aku yang problematic??
Masalah. Masalah.
Sekarang ni macam hari-hari je kena buat tazkirah diri.
Makin hari, makin less my study hour.sangatlah less:(
lagi-lagi hari Sabtu and Ahad, memang penghulu segala tidurlah hari cuti macam ni. Macam manalah nak 4-flat kalau macam ni =,='
Tiba-tiba rasa sedih pulak :((
Takut pun ada. Dahlah diorang cakap for Medicine Faculty untuk batch kitaorang ada interview, lepas tu will be selected based on our Semester 1 and this Mid semester 2 test.
Argghhhhh. nak tak nak kena perform this Mid Semester jugak.:(
Which activity yang agak-agak melalaikan yang you must cut off dia.?

- abis nak buat apa? Padam movie collection dalam lappy?
Tak nak ah. Penat download. Banyak tak habis tengok lagi :(

Lalai je.
-Deactive facebook? But nanti Pre-U punya announcement kat facebook.
Tak boleh!Tak boleh!

Err...err...No comment.Don't know should be categorized under things that waste the time or not-lost!

Rasanya other than these three things tak ambil banyak masa aku kot.
Novel-ing masih dalam kawalan because aku baca time cuti panjang je.
Takkan makan pun buang=g masa kot.
"Makan tak buang masa. tapi cara kau makan yang buang masa! Bertahun nak menunggu."
Fineee....nanti aku blender semua makanan biar senang!Laju sikit makan nanti:P

Setakat ni. Benda-benda ni yang aku nampak disturbing. Tak tahulah kalau ada benda lain kan?

*Pssst..psst..ingat nak buat work out lah. Nak senaman sikit baru badan sihat sikit nak study.Kan?:D

Friday, 28 December 2012

DAY 26: Semangat!

Yeay !
I really really bersemangat ni.
we got task to do magazine cover for IT
and I'm really into it.
Photo shot!cluck 6:
Arrghhhh... it's a great thing for people like me. Yang sangat suka kaching!kaching!
Flash sana. Flash sini.
Oh my God. tak tahu nak express macam mana.
What I can say is I' lovin' it.!LOLXD

Semangat yang amat sangat sampai berlatih lagi editting picture:)
I officially minta maaf to those yang gambarnya dicilok oleh hamba.
Just untk latihan je eh. Bukan untuk publish.
Tak biasa sangat pakai Adobe Photoshop ni.
Dulu main pun buat benda-benda mengarut je.
But this time ada juga gunanya:D

edit.edit.edit * gaya mr.crab sebut duit!duit!Duit!

#buzz....tell me more saya dah 100% awak.Yeay!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

DAY 25: Backache=.='

sakit wooo...tahap dewa ke sembilan pun tak boleh nak express what I feel right now.
Sangatlah sakit..
I can't even stand properly.tegang semacam vertebrae aku ni.
this is the side effect of doing tell me more non stop for almost 6 hours.
Pergh. nak sue lah tell me more ni. Dahlah buat banyak macam mane pun dia punya percent bergerak mengalahkan turtle. turtle pun tak selembab si tell-me-more ni-.-'

"Excuse me Syeikha what's tell-me-more? Sampai you nak backache backache segala.."

Tell-me-more adalah alat untuk menyeksa manusia*LOLXD joke
Tell-e-more is a software whereby you can learn English from it interactively.
dan ianya amatlah membosankan walaupun secara interactive.

..kalau dah bosan tak payahlah buat..

Itulah masalahnya wahai rakyat-rakyat beta sekalian,kalau diberi pilihan nak buat ke tak nak dah lama dah beta pancung itu tell-me-more.arghhhhhh!!!
Masalahnya, this tell-me-more thingy thing is one of my English assesment!!
Obviously, it brings our carry mark.:(
Menjadi musuh hidup dan mati aku je tell-me-more ni sepanjang asasi.
dah katanya it's our carry marks, nak tak nak kena buat juga lah.
Nanti tak pasal-pasal terkantoi English.Dahlah last semester kantoi English.Kantoi English yang selama ini boleh je score.Macam ayam!

Waaaa..dah tak larat nak taip lagi severe sangat backache aku ni.Nak rest before revising kejap lagi.

#92% another 8% to be finished. Esok semua clean! Wachaaa!DX

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

DAY 24:Tell me,why?

easy and simple.
for those yang rasanya tidak berpuas hati dengan me.
Sila terang-terangan beritahu saya
I don't mind at all *mind sikit je laa
but seriously if there's anything mushy fishy pasal aku.
Jangan takut takut nak beritahu.
takdelah I just kesian kepada mereka yang tak puas hati tu.
Kadang-kadang tu kononnya nak meluahkan rasa kepada sahabat terchenta ketidakpuasan hati dia
but somehow tetiba I muncul kat situ.terbantut terus. Kesian *seriously...
tak tau nak gelak ke nak marah time tu.
Nak gelak macam tak patut je..#tapi muka terkantoi diorang...hahaXD
Nak marah? Malas aku buat berkedut muka yang dah sedia berkedut je.Kan??

So , senang cerita bagitahu je aku.Straight to the point.Kan bagus?
Nak hidup kena berani sayang :))
XOXO. no harm.

#esok dah start kuliah balik.Malasnya:(

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

DAY 23:I'm confident enough! YOU?

Just now have a short thought.
Suddenly I sorted out, all this while I have tough confidence for myself.*kembang. kembang
Quite perasanlah. Jarang sangat myself hid myself behind for any task.
Mesti jugak nak mempamerkan lubang hidung yang sedia cantik ni ke hadapan
Quite a long time jugak. Since primary school lagi rasanya.
Ke depan. Becoming presenter. Debater. Pelakon. Penyair jalanan pun pernah.
Nak kata ada hikmah ke tak ah? With this confidence??
If I look it from good sight, memang berhikmah sangatlah confidence level yang tinggi.
At least awak takdelah terkedek-kedek, passing the task to others for anything. 
Because you have the confidence, umpama Superman yang kacak anda kehadapan menyelamatkan kawan-kawan yang serba ketakutan.haha XD *takde niat nak bajet.
But from the other sight...
Macam mana ek nak cakap. Oleh kerana anda punya confidence level tinggi adalah makhluk Tuhan yang paling seksi yang cuba mengambil kesempatan.#no specific person.It's a warn.Tak payah nak perasan :P lol
Kadang tu rasa nak hampuk pun ada dengan manusia ni.
Selalu terkena macam ni.
"Alah Syeikha, kau kan berani pergilah sound dia.."
"Syeikha, kaulah present.Kau kan berani"
"Syeikha , bla...blaa.bla..."
Sekali dua bolehlah ambo melayan. Empat lima - dua puluh kali. Mahu aku bagi penampar
Awal-awal bolehlah terima kalau "kanak-kanak" dalam bantuan ini minta tolong.
Adalah 'feel' sikit nak jadi superhero.
yang seterusnya terus buat aku rasa ,
"korang tak ada mulut ke nak buat sendiri?"#sila terasa kalau nak sangat terasa.hahaXD
Kadang-kadang tu permintaan yang diornag suruh aku voice out kan sangatlah melampau,
Ada ke suruh sound cikgu?
Nak sound sound sendirilah, aku pula yang kena. Aku tak ada masalah dengan cikgu. Apasal pula aku yang kena sound kan? Sungguh tak memasal diorang ni. =,='
Sebenarnya, aku tak adalah kisah sangat kalau korang nak suruh aku jadi tukang voice out korang except for "sound" cikgu tu lah. Itu gua ambil kisah.
Best je sebenanya jadi presenter and so on. Best sangat! Like seriously.!!
Tapi satu je..
Korang tak jealous ke? Muak ke?*Yelaa, asyik aku je.
No. I mean. Selama ni aku je yang menunjukkan lubang hidung kat depan, korang tak nak try ke?
Rasa apa yang aku rasa.

"Alaa, aku bukan tak nak Syeikha. Masalahnya, aku takut. Aku asal ke depan je. Gabra semacam."
"Rasa nak terkencing pun ada"*hiperbola -,-

Korang takut? Gabra?
Seriously cakap, dulu aku pun macam tu.
Takut juga.
But what I did?
Fight it!
Lawan dengan ketakutan sendiri.Lawan habis-habisan.
Tak prove. Aku jamin sendiri. Aku prove dia.Haha XD

"Kau cakap lawan, tapi lawan tu macam mana?"


*tunggu my next post.okay? cluck:6

So, these are the tips and tricks. :)
Hover and click on the link below.

Confident Trick#1

Monday, 24 December 2012

DAY 22:Nasihat untuk saya dan awak|Wanita:)

Click to enlarge:)
Saya tak cukup baik.
Tapi saya tak nak benda yang tak baik jadi kepada saya.
Hope the same for you  and everybody.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

DAY 21: Outta ma way!

I have my plan.
I write everything.
I know each step that I must take.
I'm aware where am I heading next.
Everything was super duper clear for me.

Everything change when comes the
that thing that hinder me from moving on.
There's always always little, medium, large things that stop me.
sometimes that particular thing really disrupting the plan that I've prepared.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

DAY 20: The TOUGH<-____->Me |:

being alone in room without my roommates or "zebra crossing" neighbor, sungguh-sungguhlah sunyi.
Budak dua orang ni pun satu. Nak tinggalkan aku sekali dua-dua terus. At least bergilir-gilirlah.
One can't wait to go back home for Christmas, the other one over-spirited go for Muhayyam.
maka tinggallah beta keseorangan mengenang nasib sendiri.#cough

But somehow there's a benefit behind all these.
At least they give me some space to think, to motivate myself.
Alaaaa..lebih kurang sesi tazkirah kepada diri sendirilah.Kalau budak dua ketul ni ada, tak ada maknanya nak tazkirah-tazkirah, tarzan-tarzaniah adalah.LOL
So, while being alone right now, I start to think my past, my present and my future.
Recalling back what I've done all these days. Is it the right thing or absolutely wrong. 
Recalling and scanning my past and my present, realizing I've done a lot lot of mistakes without perceiving it. Make stupid things without long thought. Most of the decision I made was based on what I think might be cool, fun leaving the thought on what's the consequences. Senang cerita keputusan buta. Buta pada keseronakan dan kepuasan perasaan manusia. So, that's the virus yang dapat dikesan dalam proses scanning. There's a lot more yang dijumpai but takkanlah I nak tulis semua kat sini nanti jadi karangan SPM pulak kan?

Not just to stop there,
I'm thinking but my future too. Gerangan apakah si Syeikha ini akan jadi pada masa hadapan. Trying to thing about that. Have the thought, 'macam mana hidup sebagai fully grown up adult?'. Susah ke senang. How it would be? Macam mana nanti I nak uruskan my own life. Uruskan duit sendiri, makan minum sendiri, rumah sendiri, kereta... you know that thought  that come when you see an adult. Semua difikirkan. How is my life when I live alone.? * Boleh ke I hidup seorang. Yelah, right now tak rasa seoang sangat because of suasana kolej tu kan walaupun dah jauh daipada family. Yang cuba dibayangkan nanti the time when I dah fully keluar dari family house ada my bungalow sendiri *tak kongsi-kongsi lagi dengan ayah. Macam mana keadaan tu nanti.?
Mesti lonelykan? Creepy pun ada juga. Yelah, dah kata duduk seorang. Takde geng tukang buat bising,yang ada bunyi sengkerik je. Mesti masa tu bulu roma tegak mengalahkan KLCC. sesi rewinding cerita hantu yang pernah dilihat,didengar semua keluar- non-stop.
Pergh~! tak dapat eden bayangkan. 
Dah teragak-agak ni. Dah besar nanti nak duduk sorang ke tak? Nak ke tak? #bajet diri masih kecil lagi je...
But when we try to think it deeply.Sampai bila nak duduk bawah ketiak wangi ayah and ibu, sampai bila nak bergayut kat diorang kan? 
Kalau fikirkan takut tu memang takut, tapi kalau nak diikutkan takut kita tu je sampai bila tak ke mana.
Nak ke sana. "eeeiiii.takutlah",  pakej sekali dengan muka nak makan penampar.
Nak ke situ. "Alaaa, tak beranilah"
Alamatnya, membatulah kat situ. Kan?

Better make a move kan. Buanglah rasa takut takut tu semua Buat semak je.
Keluar dari kepompong tu.
tak perlu takut nak menghadapi cabaran future.
Erase semua mentality expecting everything will be as comfortable as what our mum an dad prepare for us.
That fear to your future was actually because of this mentality.
Come on fella,
before parent give you what you have now,diorang susah payah dulu kot.
Takkan kita pula nak terus senang je. Tak advanterouslah macam tu kan.
So, now as time goes on, build toughness in yourself. Kuatkan diri!
Prepare for future :D

The TOUGHMe. Cluck! :6

Friday, 21 December 2012

DAY 19:Please just understand.

Problem? Always there.
One problem yang till now stay with me::
Tak tahu macam mana nak berterus-terang bout what what I feel. Sometimes can you almost crazy tau. Yelah. Bayangkan eh, for example that particular time you amat amatlah tak berpuas hati kat someone tu but somehow you don't know how to express it.Nak try secara brutal punya expression takut berlaku peperangan dunia kelapan, nak tell them nicely takut mereka mereka itu memperkotak-katikkan kita. In the end you stay in the middle. Terapung- apung.#kepak-kepak

So, that's what happening to me. Paling senang cerita lately nih. Kinda tak berpuas hati dengan someone yang truly tidak mengamalkan sikap kerjasama seperti yang diwar warkan oleh Wonderpet. I always hope that us can work together mengalahkan aur dengan tebing lah. Demi menjaga keamanan setempat kami bersama, but somehow what i got is far far far away from what am I expecting. Sedih sangat :((
tapi tak tahu macam mana nak expresskan kat dia. Karang face to face takut I hurt feeling dia. Nak tahan je macam tak adil pula dunia ni kan. Keadilan itu perlu ye..Yang berat sama dipikul, yang ringan sama dijinjing* cewah!boleh lawan karam singh walia tak??!_double-jerk :D

Oleh kerana,pihak saya sangat kurang bijaksana dalam hal ehwal meluahkan perasaan, jadi diharapkan pihak tuan dan puan untuk faham-faham sendiri. Sebelum hati saya ini meletup disebabkan bebanan menyimpan perasaaan terlalu banyak pihak saya memohon agar pihak tuan dan puan memberikan kerjasama yang sewajarnya. Kerjasama pihak tuan  dan puan didahului dengan ucapan terima kasih.

#Dunia belum kiamat, selagi itu kita masih boleh bertaubat:DDD

Thursday, 20 December 2012

DAY 18:Whatever you think, Think the opposite.

When you look back there will be things you will regret.
You made the wrong decision.
You make the right decision.
life is all about decision.
Whatever decision you make is the only one you could make.
Otherwise you would make a different one.
Everything we do we choose,
So what is there to regret?
You are the person you chose to be.

You can make your body anything that you want to be.
You are the raw material.
You can be a doctor.
You can be a housewife.
You can be anything you want.What you want,you will get.
But you have to want it enough to go about getting it.
Dreaming and talking about it won't achieve anything.
There's only one person who can determinethe shape of your life.
but who are you going to be?

To think what are you going to be is to thing what you want and wish for.?
I WISH means : wouldn't it be nice if...
If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.
Always wishing life was different.
I WANT means: if I want it enough I'll get it.
Getting what you want means  making the decision you need to make you get what you want.
Not the decisions those around you think you should make.
Making the safe the decision is dull, predictable and leads nowhere new.
The unsafe decision causes you to think and respond in a way you hadn't thought of.
And that thought will lead to other thought which will help you achieve what you want.
Start taking bad decisions and it will take you to a place where others only dream of being.

Any decision you wanna take.
You are the one who chose it to be.
Try take the risk.
Don't make the decision only based what others think right,
What others think it is safe.
try to think differently.It makes your different.
What ever you think,THINK THE OPPOSITE.
No one had the most scheme of what was the most best decision.
Just go on with the thing that you believe was the best.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

DAY 17:If you're fool,don't make it worst!

Honestly, this is the post to express my dissatisfaction to them.

Betapa teruknya dia,
Betapa hambarnya dia,
Betapa membosankannya dia,
Betapa dia sukar difahami pun.
Awak tidak layak untuk menghina dia.
Tak layak untuk merendahkan maruah dia.
He's your teacher.
Orang yang menyampaikan ilmu pada awak.
Why?Why didn't you respect him.?
"Okay.Awak kata dia tak pandai mengajar."
tapi saya tengok awak yang ada rupa tak boleh nak diajar.
It maybe harsh to say you like that.
But that's absolutely you.
Orang mengajar awak bercerita kat belakang.
He was explaining at front, you're laughing behind.
then once he finish,you baru you nak bagi perhatian.
pastu you cakaplah
"Sir ajar laju sangat."
"Sir tak pandai explain"
"Sir ni...Sir tu..."
Come on.Tolonglah sedar diri sikit.

Okay fine.
Kalau you rasa dia ajar sukar nak difahami, double up your effort untuk faham apa yang diajar.
Tingkatkan fokus dalam kelas bukan susah.
Ni tak you create song that obviously humiliating him.
Mengejek seorang guru. Bukan ke namanya kurang ajar ke tu?
Dengan cara tu, did you expect yang you boleh dapat ilmu dia,hah?
I ask you.
mengejek dia dengan lagu you satu hal.then you kept on repeating the song in the class waktu ada dia pulak tu.
Suara you obviously I cakap tak sedap, you are distracting me.
pleaselah, tak nak belajar keluar!tak payahlah nak kacau konsentrasi orang lain pulak.
Seriously, I tak tahu what kind of person are you.?
menganggap perbuatan awak menghina guru as something that was soooo "fun"
mengganggu orang lain tanpa rasa bersalah
dah lama hidup ke?

tolonglah ubah perangai tu.
I don't really know what is your life aim but please make it something much valauble.
Awak menjatuhkan maruah orang, tapi tak sedar yang awak tengah selak maruah sendiri.
Behave man.
Hell, I hate you! XP

# kalau awak buat perangai sekali lagi, I swear takkan bersabar lagi.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

DAY 16:Set up the goals of yours|Achieve it!

"Alaaa.mentang-mentanglah dah nak new year startlah posting things like goals goals segala.Sepak bola masuk gol je lah"

Guys this thing that I was posting today has nothing to do with the upcoming new year eh. Not.Not at all.
have the thought  of writing this because our beloved English coordinator was asking us.

"So till now, what have you all achieved your goal for this year?"

All of us like,"....."

then she said,"No one had achieved anything?

Suddenly there's a voices came out," We don't even know what we want Madam."

"Seriously?!then how did you know that you have achieved anything.?"

"It's just come, Madam!"Ryan reply her.

"It's all miracle,Madam.Miracle!" me added up.

So that's the event that had brought me to this "Goals" thingy.

Our Madam had achieved most of her goals except for two ;
 reducing her weight and travelling overseas.
but that's not the matter that I want to bring up now.
It's the thing that she did have her goals and enthusiastically try to achieve her goals.
I was impressed by the spirit that she had brought out. So impressive!

because of I was sooo   terpengaruh with her.
I've realize the importance of having a goals and achieving it
tak jadi juga if you just set your goal but put no effort to achieve it it.Kan?
like my last goal
Konon-kononnya nak 4flat but my effort was like,
"Maaf pesakit tak dapat diselamatkan".
 Nazak sangatlah effort yang saya tampilkan ye tuan dan puan sekalian.
Make sure you really really understand what your goals is.
and after knowing what it's all about then plan ; what you should do, when should you start, how can you achieve it and etc.
By doing this you'll have a clear view of what you gonna do to achieve your goals.
Next is,long lasting enthusiasm.
Why did I add long lasting there?
Pernah tak dengar peribahasa "hangat hangat tahi ayam"
that's it!
the problem when you just have your enthusiasm waktu awal awal je, as time goes on you pun lemah longlai tak berdaya lagi.Got it.
Long lasting enthusiasm, hold into it.Okay!:)))

So peeps, anything our goals is just work it out and achieve it. God Bless!:D

#just now I ada public speaking and I believe that I'd it well XD
Wedding thing.Takdelah sebencana like what I thought, okay je!

Monday, 17 December 2012

DAY 15:Just.Tired.

Hari ni penat sangat.
Couldn't think of anything.
Lab chemistry tadi looks like simple and easy,
tapi nampaknya berjaya membuatkan aku rasa macam dah hilang tulang.
pening semacam maybe because of chemical kot.
Tulah lecturer suruh mengamalkan safety precaution but me,
hentam ikut suka hati petala kelapan je.
Gloves tak pakai.Google buat gantung kat lehernya.
Rasanya dah terover inhaled chemical tadi.
Really macam nak pengsan pun ada.:(
DAY 15- I'm just TIRED :(
penat sangat sampai tak jumpa katil.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

DAY 14:Argue with yourself |True or Wrong

"the malicious inner voices immunity was too strong.strength-all was used
but still it fight and fight
in the end I'm the one who was lost :("

Argue wasn't an offence.Be pleased to do so

Fight it back!
Never ever ever lose to it.
If you can't quiet the inner voice, then at least use it to your advantage,Syeikha.
Use it.
If it is negative neutralize it, if it is positive neutralize it.
Every time you hear yourself contradicting the speaker,
STOP! and take the other point of view.
Wash up your brain.
Suggest to the brain all the reason why the speaker may be correct and you are the one who came with the wrong concept.
by arguing yourself, you may open yourself to the information being provided.
That's the best case of fighting the inner voice.
but failing that gives you advantages too
at least you strengthen your own argument.
Succeeding or failing to fight your inner voice never be a loss.
the most important thing is to argue with yourself-to fight back the inner voice that tried to make you confuse.
applicable to our life also mehXD


#misspend the time. end up regretting it. I've lost my precious time today:((
I shouldn't buy.I shouldn't read.Novel_ you steal my time.:(

Saturday, 15 December 2012

DAY 13:You raise me up | Ayah-Ibu

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

#Raise me up _ Westlife

Friday, 14 December 2012


that's creepy.
Hello sir cadaver?
Are you getting mad?I know life is getting harder Syeikha but please make up your mind...

well peeps.
Its not that I'm getting crazy or whatsoever
Its just that today was a memorable day for me.
for the FIRST TIME in my life
I'd meet sir cadaver
FIRST TIME fella.Its my first time.
Honestly, I was too excited for this first true-to-life meeting with dead people.
What makes it becoming extra cooler is that the cadaver was preserved with formalin, chemical used to ensure the restoration of the softness and flexibility of the cadaver.
The fact that able to impress me is that all these three male cadaver was actually kept for 15 years time. That's totally impressive.15 years?! That totally a long gap of time. It must be the process  of embalming was so so great or no doubt the chemical used was really really strong enough to ensure those cadaver in good condition.Right?!
Visit to a mortuary was totally an eerie experience, but somehow it gives us a lot.
Experience and knowledge.( doubt.knowledge kureng sikit coz takut sgt time doktor explain tu + eden terkebelakang sikit,tak nampak doktor godok mayat:(  )
I'd touch the cadavers.
You.What Syeikha?!
Oh Merciful Allah
totally the moment that I touch them was,
Sumpah takut.but for the first touch je laa.After that I'm getting better.Thank God,I have a lots lots of friend around me.Sampai bergerak tempat letak mayat tu. Semangat sangat all of us nak "meraba" mayat tu.hahha
Trust it was super cool!!

My visit to FPSK wasn't all about mayat ye kengkawan.
Actually,we do visit some other place in FPSK
like pathology and anatomy museum , and physiology lab.
but maybe we are rushing so feeling tu pun rushinglah.
what so great about pathology and anatomy museum is that, this is the place that they kept all the preserved diseased body parts and plastic model of our body.
Menarik?Yes, it is but tak sempat nak merewang here and there
Dah kena panggil to move to next station.
Upsetting,I manage to see 3 shelves of the preserved body parts je kot. The others sekilas pandang je.
Pray to Allah that I was able to further my studies here so that bolehlah saya merewang menghayati those things.:))
by the way, I was told that pathology and anatomy museum was second library for medical student.
Alangkah indahnya kalau aku jadi student medical. Nak menghadap those thing puas puas sampai muntah ler.haahaa.

In pyhsiology lab we was exposed to the study of mechanic of living organism. Sort of applying physic together with biology for the purpose of medical. The machine here was soo awesome :)
New things that I did learnt here is how to check the blood pressure using mercury sphygmomanometer.
I really wanna try it. Kenapalah the instructor tak tanya,"Did any of you wanna try.?"
For sure, I'm the one ynag akan menawarkan diri :D
but malangnya tidak ada soalan sebegitu eh:(
Mercury sphygmomanometer.
Kalau ada rezeki aku,tengok satu hari nanti aku picit picit kau.haha 

So that's it. This visit gave me a lot. experience, knowledge and rasa takut nak pergi tandas seorang diri.Sekian.LOLXD

P/S: Kan best ada gambar for today's visit.Especially kat mortuary tu.Malangnya tidak dibenarkan mengambil gambar ye.Kalau bagi pun aku dengan bangganya berkata TAK NAK!:P

Thursday, 13 December 2012

DAY 11:Be Quiet|No harm.No spam.Just truth.

"The concept of this bzzbzbzzbbzbzbzzzzzbhbhhashahahah....",

"It was actually...bzbzbzbhahahabmwnwhlolhahahabzzz.Got it class??"

"Yes!!!" in clear and harmonious voices

"Okay.What you really have to know is bzzzzbzbzbzzbzbzzbbzzhahamiowmbek....."

"Class,attention please..!"

The "bzzzbzbbzbzzbbzbzbzbzzbhahabzbhabhaabh" sound stop abruptly, and the lecturer continue back his lecture..

"This thing is all about.... bzzzzzzzbzbzbzzbbzbzbz..."

and the class goes on with that particular "bzbzbzbzhabzhzbahbzha" sound echoing till the end of our lecture with a few sudden stop- with the admonition of our lecturer today.

# illustration purpose only.

the class was totally full shit when there's the existence of this echoing "bzbzbzbbzzzbzzbzbz" sound at almost all the time. The lecturer- fully spirited presenting his lecture but somehow the presence of few "bzbzbzzbzbabzabzabb" so called producer, kept on making noises that obviously distracting others that really really, I repeat again wanna focus to the lecturer.

A few times sharp glance and "please be quiet" body language seems to have NO effect at all. I really don't know if all of them got sort of repellent on their body that preventing them from realizing our's distracted body language. #sigh :((

If body language cause no effect maybe wall would
I really don't how to say this more properly or well-mannered that may pleasure you guys.
It just that..I really need the cooperation of you guys to understand us that really really wanna focus to the lecture. We aren't as smart as you that can score without even hear to the lecture so please understand us.
I,she,he,them,us really DON'T MIND if you're extremely not interested to the lecture or what but please shut our mouth off. Do something else that clearly won't disturb us, 'the want-to-learn people'. Play with your smartphones,your tab or what so ever it is with one condition, NO NOISE.I believe that will totally pleased the lecturer even quiet? :))

#No harm.Not spam.the truth:)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

DAY 10:Malicious inner voices

Have you ever think about how did yourself learn all this while??
Did ya??
As far as I am concern(*kuikui) most of us don't bother to much about how did they learn.
Me too.Anyone with me?!??
All these while I thought that learning process just come naturally.
Heard to others either in conversation or in lecture and simply absorb all their saying, right??
But things are getting harder lately.
I hardly able to absorb all those information that my lecturer was presenting.
Sometimes totally lost till I ended up saying,
"Ala...takpelah.balik bilik nanti aku study. Kaji sendiri je lah."
Daaaaaa..that's it. and almost 60% of my own kajian.ended up without a start. Got it.?
It's a mess fella.!
Its kinda weird why am I becoming like this...
Maybe because too much facts, figures and, experience stuffed into my brain causing it to have less room for new ideas and thoughts?
Okay. That's totally rubbish.
How- on earth that our brain got its limit.? Ingat ni pendrive ke cik Syeikha oi...=.='
What ever it is, the need for learning never ends, so your desire to do so should always outweigh your desire to be right. The world is changing and new ideas pop up everyday; incorporating them into your life will keep you engaged and relevant.

after few times mind-troubleshoot.
I find out that there's 97.9% of probability that my INNER VOICE was actually disturbing my fact crunching mood. Sort of dangerous malicious virus is now attacking my mind......!(absolute crap mumble.)
Sometimes it talk "diamond",sometimes just "crap.
WHAT?!inner voice??? wth are you talking about.

Oh well baby....
You know the one I am talking about. It's the little voice that offers a running commentary when you are listening to someone. It's the voice that brings up your own opinion about the information being provided.

ME,myself always always and always, I repeat again always do that.

When my lecturer start to say this and this
at the same mind my Great fella INNER VOICE would like to say,

'Ooooh.......It's actually like this and this.relate to this and that...',
so on and so forth.
and guess what happen to me???

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

DAY 9:Put yourself under spotlight.

I've learn something valuable today.
Never ever hide your talent.

Me,you,he,she or anyone have the gift of talent. Each of us have it- no exception!
All of us have many special abilities and our talent is basically our unique set of special abilities.
But usually most of haven't discover their special talent, even worst some of us did came up with a conclusion that he or she was the most unlucky,stupid and etc- homo sapiens on earth without even try to find the long-lost abilities that they hope for. Poor man. Lose without fight :((
So guys, wake up and let's talent-time. haha.

That only the intro kot.
what I tried to highlight right now is.....
what's going on..
why on earth did you hide your talent
that's so so so..
Rugioooooo. Manyak rugi.
Other people try their best to find the 'diamond' in themselves.
But you..
the other way around.
Tell me. What did you get by hiding me.Tell me!tell me!tell me...#cough

Did you aware that by using our own gift of talent, we can all make the difference in the world.
Make the world a better place.World fella.It's world. See?
How powerful is one's talent. Sad of you.
Don't bother to hide your talent.
Please use it for God sake.
You'll becoming me
Still in regret...
I once got the spotlight for my talent.
but  it was so upsetting that I've made my mind to isolate that particular talent of mine.
because of childish thinking and attitude of mine.That always expecting the very best result of my effort.
and once I fall...I thought that's the end of me-how humiliating...

Have a long thought on it guys...
You need a long, long thought on it.
before regretting it.
Show it up.Let the your parents,friends,teacher, and the world know the special talent of your.
Never ever let the spotlight that shine gloriously on yourself, switched off-never!

Got this.On you :)))

P/S: Thanks to someone. Making me realize, the lost part of me.I'll try to fight to the best of me:)

Monday, 10 December 2012

DAY 8: Left-ed:(

As time goes on..
everything  start to change.
Child to teen,
Teen to adult and finally comes to an end
like a candle that lost its flame once it reaching the end - dead.
but the ticking time continued to move without hesitation
and past is past...
Leaving all behind
Leaving those who still in their long deep sleep without - nothing!

and I  finally realize that all this while...
I am.
I'm the one who is still in that deep sleep.
By the unstoppable, growing world.
I was just..- nothing!
I was just...-zero!
and I was fooled
by the sweet lullaby of life
that put me into that long deep sleep
without realizing that time had left me far-far away...
Still- unconscious...

Sunday, 9 December 2012

DAY 7: Saya rindu awak:D


pernah tak merindu seseorang?
teringatkan si dia..
mengenang saat bersama...
Pernah tak?

By now I miss her so much.
Rindu sangat and everything that we did go through together is playing macam kaset rosak tau.
how we first met.
becoming friend. what I remember both of us takde pun official date untuk meng-declarekan us sebagai sahabat.
but who cares?
as long as I know I terribly love her as my most precious friend entire life.
Then... Its okay for me ..Nothing matters.Right?
Fatin Syahindah Daud. Aku sayang kau.Truly :)))

If you ever read this..
Fatin ingat tak? when we both want to go separate ways. You pergi MOZAC and me SBPI Selandar.
You did write letters to me right..
Letter plus book.. Nasihat Lukman Al-Haqim. Ingat tak??
Honestly, Syeikha really tak ingat mane Syeikha letak surat tu for the last time.(maybe hilang dalam simpanan.adik kisai my private box.) Sorry sayang :(

but that's not the issue here..
yang paling penting I still remember what you write to me.

in that letter
You told me yang both of us tak pernah gaduh sepanjang friendship kita kan.?
Fatin cakap maybe kite tak gaduh but somehow you believe that someday there'll be sort of ujian untuk test our relationship kan?kan?

9 Disember 2012
I think I finally figure out ape ujian tu...
Perpisahan kita berdua ..
You Jordan...Me still in Malaysia.
It was kinda hard sayang
and what was upsetting
I've just realise that I didn't hug you for the last time before you fly to Jordan.
Sedih :((

Fatin, anything happen between us just don't forget this
and always care for you where ever you are..
Salam berkat dari Allah buatmu Sahabat:)))

This song for you.. Fatin ingat tak?lagu ni.. Bestfriend-kiroro
you're the one who gave me the video clips.

Saturday, 8 December 2012


#last night I stay up..woot.woot. It's kinda unbelievable. :P
but today......faham.faham je lah facebook je lah kak. tapi rasanya kejap lagi hamba nak pergi belajarlah ye kak.nak siapkan tutorial chemistry ni.
muka nak buat tutorial!:P

Friday, 7 December 2012


#bunyi cengkerik
pergh.bosan tahap, no classes I am expecting it to be cool and ended happily ever after. but what I got is bored,bored,bored and again bored. Sunyi giler college. everybody pergi class. haiyo! bangun lambat memang lumrahlah kalau dah katanya cutikan?but rasa macam tak nak bangun je.bangun pun i got nothing to do.tadi adalah layan "Istanbul aku datang" kejap, but once the movie end. I was like.".............."
Clueless and boring gile pak cik.

So, guys what should I do. Study? Honestly,Not in the mood. I'm freaking out today. Cepatlah roomate ku and si Maryanne ni habis kelas.At least I got them untuk ajak gelak gelak or buat giler......or should I?Do it alone? What?!!

Baru fifth day you dah gile Syeikha.?Parah....

Guys.I tak gile. tapi boring tahap gile dah ni...Please someone cheer me up.

Sebijik rupa aku sekarang ni:(

Thursday, 6 December 2012


 sedihnya today...maths tadi blurr sungguh..awangan awangan terus aku fourth day dah macam ni...wooo..kene banyak latihann for differentiation of exponential and logrithmic function ni.For the concept aku arse same je dengan differentiation concept yang selama ini aku belajar but some pak cik exponential and mak cik logarithm ini yang membuat aku tak keruan..memang musuh rasmi aku dari zaman sekolah hinggalah semester lepas nak pulak to be continued semester ni. rasa nak siat siat pon ade gak.haha.
eh?tidak! its looks like i've lost my passion.lembik je.baru kena test dengan exponential aku dah hilang semangat.tak boleh jadi ni. Nanti den nak pergi berguru dengan sifu MrAlif.terbaik dari ladang punya.haha.
tak boleh nak review apa yang aku faham for this subtopic.memang tenggelam ke dasar laut je semua yang aku belajar hari ini. Malam ni, Syeikha Zulaikha you have to do the exercise on this subtopic. review balik example yang Miss Farah bagi tadi.humph!

Kelas yang paling "Class kau Maria..." is kelas Biology. Sungguh pendek dan ringkas ye. History je.Haha. Part history ni memanglah senang lagi mudah ye time exam but somehow soalan nilah yang sibuk-sibuk main aci tarik tali dengan aku.Ada je bayangan sukma yang mengelirukan.Last choice selalunye eden hontam jo..but this semester tak boleh nak main baling dadu and hentam eh Cik Syeikha...

"Asal lak?Sukati ambolah"

"Eh? dah lupa pulak.Pergi scroll kat description blog.Bukan awak nak 4 flat ke? One mark je boleh change awak punya gred kalau awak nak."

#Ceh.tetiba je nak ada monolog dalaman.haha:P

tapi monolog dalaman aku boleh pakai ape. Highlighted Only one marks can decide your gred fella!

Senang cerita,

P/S:: tadi ade kelas IT gak tapi tak nak review sebab tak suka.
"eh ?pasal kau pukul aku?"
"biar sedar diri sikit. IT pun penting jugak tau!kalau kau macam ni baik tak payah berangan 4flat. 2.00 pun okay masuk degree gak.kan?"

"Ah...Sudah...."   =,="

#Fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal:)

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


alhamdulillah today's class going on well.
subject of the day is chemistry and mathematics.

chemistry was kinda fun. walaupun sedikit tergeliat otak den tadi but Mr.Chieng berjaya memaham aku.Kalau tak mau berjam jam aku dalam awangan.hahah.
okay for chemistry review.
as far as i can remember for today we're focusing on the Gases Law,Ideal Gas Equation and Gas Law Equation.

Gases law was consist of Boyle's Law, Charles' Law(the thing that i've learnt during high school.).
From these two Boyle's Law and Charles' Law emerge two important relationship that we called as Amonton's Law(pressure temperature relationship.) and the combined gas Law.
Avogadro's Law(relationship between volume and amount) was also included in this subtopic.
Notes that was taken on today's class
this topic was okay for me but somehow i've to put more emphasize on its application sebab bile part application je aku bingung...haha.
the concept + formula:::

Boyle's Law => V=1/P
#volume decrease pressure increase at constant temperature

Charles's Law=> V/T=k or V'/T'=V"/T"
# temperature increase volume increase at constant pressure

Amonton's Law(pressure-temperature relationship)
=> P=T      or     P/T=V      or      P'/T'=P"/T"       or     P'T"=P"T'
#Pressure increase temperature increase at fixed Volume and no of mole.
Combined Gas Law
V=T/P    or    PV/T= k   or P'V'/T'=P"V"/T"

Avogadro's Law
V=n (Pressure and Temperature fixed)
V=k x n    or     V/n = k      or    V'/n'= V"/n"

Waaaa..mesti korang membebelkan ..banyaknya nak ingat but actually korang boleh hafal satu je formula and you'll get others easily dgn syarat faham konseplah.

IDEAL GAS EQUATION. the only one that we have to memorize


R :: universal gas constant.

the relationship between ideal gas equation and the individual gas laws.

 This Ideal Gas Equation can be used to find the density and molar mass of the gas.

Density   =   m/V   =  MP/RT
Molar mass of a gas =  mRT/PV  =  dRT/P

For Maths yang dijangkakan aku R.I.P hari ni was actually okay.senang je masuk.haha.maybe sebab revise semalam kot.haha.anyway.nak rivise balik topic tadi.amigos!:)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


So, for my second day. Still okay! and very short lecture. for today's it's maths and English.Allah. First chapter...was DIFFERENTIATION! God please bless me:)
looks like I kena kisai nota time form 4 dulu ni. forgot the thing already. thank God for today we are learning the first principles of differentation.kalau rule tadi.R.I.P terus aku.I really really dah lupe.Feel like calling cikgu Am now!!!!.more focus on this chapter.Ms Farah pun cakap this chapter agak hardo on it.sure boleh! yeah!
meh sini ana nak buat review for today learning.(boo....!bosan.ade ke tulis review study kat blog.#AAK?ada aku kisah.bace titlelah.this is my 6month journal in getting 4flat takkan nak love story kot.kan?)

so like i said before for today I'm learning first principle of differentiation.
senang nak habaq this first principle is the longer solution of getting the answer.=.=" sungguh tak bijak penjelasan aku.but thats the reality pak cik, mak cik sekalian.haha:P
It's actually like this..
before this when we learn differentiation waktu zaman sekolah menengah dulu-dulu.we just learn all the rule.hafal and answer.but for this first principles it shows us how to get the answer dengan lebih detail.that's what i understand lah.;)

another thing bout this first principle is that we have to memorize the formula.Aha!ini den lomah,
but usaha tangga kejayaan kan.

dy = f '(x) = f(x + h)-f(x)
dx                        h
Inilah formula turun-temurunnye cek kak sekalian for english today.because we just scroll through the course plan.nothing much.ouh! except that this 18 DEC.its my turn to do public speaking. and don;t know what that heck i'm thinking that choose WEDDING as my public speaking. I'm absolutely insane and totally regret it.because I don't know what the heck i'm going to present about wedding.Any idea guys?:)))


3 DIS.
today is the start point. Towards my mission gaining 4 flat for semester II.first thing to be highlighted on day one is the PLANNING. i've come out with few idea how to manage y studies for this sem and already create my timetable to work with. Need to really really stick to it.Not like last sem. Jadi penghias dinding je.Pray for yaa?. How i'm going to deal with my notes,tutorial,mind maps,so on so forth had been designated. I believe today was a good start for me. classes was going on well. today lectures was chemistry and biology. thumbs up for lecturer least i didn't yawn today. haha:)
not so much activities for today. biasalah hari pertamakan.anyway..Syeikha Zulaikha fight for 4flat,strive for MBBS.Got it?yeha!
Timetable.Stick to it.

# hoho.just now during biology lecture, we were told that this sem will  have a lots lots of study tour. there'll be visits to FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES too. Are we going to see all those corpses?Just wait and see fella.:)
I don't care what they say.I'm in love with you.They try to keep me away.They don't know the truth. My heart is full of love for you,Medicine<3

Bucket list

Bucket list


North America
South America

Tandem paragliding
Fly in hot air balloon
Scuba diving/snorkelling

Kundasang (Sabah)

See Pyramids of Giza(Egypt: Cairo)

See the Great Wall of China(China)
See the Forbidden City (China:Beijing)
See the Taj Mahal(India: Agra)

See the Acropolis(Greece:Athens)
See the Mona Lisa(France:Paris)
See the Eiffel Tower(France:Paris)
See the Colosseum(Italy: Rome)
See the Neuschawanstein Castle(Germany:Schwangau)

See the Sydney Opera House(Australia: Sydney)

South America
See the Head Statues on Easter Island(Chile: Easter Island)
See Machu Picchu( Peru:Macchi Picchu)

North America
See the Hoover Dam(US: Nevada/Arizona)
See the Statue of Liberty(US: New York)

North America
See the Aurora Borealis (US: Alaska)
See the Grand Canyon (US: Arizona)
See the Redwood Forest (US: California)
South America

See the Iguazu Falls( Argentina)

See the Alps(France, Italy, Switzerland or Germany)

See Mount Everest(Nepal)

See the Great Barrier Reef (Australia:Queensland)

Try Ebru Art
Pottery making
Attend sewing class
Knit myself a mermaid blanket
Knit a single sized blanket

Attend make up class
Have my own walk in closet
Grow healthy waist-length hair

Solve a Rubik's cube
Start a blog
Learn embroidery
Start cross-stitching

Fall in love for the first time
Get married before 30
Get myself a travel and adventure partner
Create a family tree
Go on a road trip with a friends
Sponsor my parent's travel

Return to my old weight 47 kg
Try horseback riding
Learn swimming
Learn archery

Learn to read a music sheets
Sing a karaoke

Start online business
Promote business
Open a boutique
Own my first house
Own a land

Graduate as a medical doctor
Get a Masters in Ophthalmology
Learn a new language

Do a volunteer work

Perform Umrah and Hajj
Learn to forgive
Learn to share

Try Mexican food
Try tteokbokki

Have a car license

Stop procrastinating
Become an early riser
Release the past

VOCATION (as a student)
Get B and above in my end of posting exam

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (China: Harbin)
White night Festival(Russia: St. Petersburg)
Carnival of Venice(Italy: Venice)
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta(US: New Mexico)
Boryeoung mud festival(South Korea)
Kuekonhof Tulip Festival(Holland: Lisse)
Deventer Book Fair(Netherlands)
August Moon Festival (Greece)
Frankfurt Book Fair(Germany)
Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festivals(South Korea)
New York Fashion Week(US:New York)

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